Memoir: Travels & Archives of a Playful Spirit, part 12

Postpartum, Call me Play, Call me Mary Alice Wonderland Longstockings

Mary Alice Long LICSW PhD
Memoir Project


Baby. Baby.

A physical manifestation of my playful, creative impulse.

My playful Self has been with me always. When I captured and was captured by destructive impulses, She was there. When I danced naughtily, openly in the streets as a girl, She was there. When I stood silently waiting for it all to go away, She was there. When I woke early in the morning, when it was still dark, and made my way to the side of a pond, She was there protecting me. When I wanted desperately to be seen and heard, She was there. When I was the warrior and blew out all the candles at St. John’s, SHE was there.

Play could be my name, call me Play.

Where can we Play? is my first question.

My playful Self has been with me always.

When I write, She is there. When I dance. When I sing. When I share stories. When I create, when I am who I am meant to be, when I live my life with purpose, She is there.



Mary Alice Long LICSW PhD
Memoir Project

Soulful Expressive Arts Therapy/Depth Psychology/Value of Play & Creativity ART AS MEDICINE: Joy is the Key to Healing Grief❤️‍🩹