Blockchain could transform in-game economies

Trevor Doerksen
Published in
1 min readFeb 27, 2018

“Now developers have infused in-game economies with real-world currency in an effort to better monetize their products. Instead of using virtual money earned in-game, you might just be asked to fork over real dollars for that next armor upgrade or level-up.

This is the new in-game economy. As the line between what’s real and what’s becomes further blurred, players take on more risk. Whenever a game invites players to buy items with their money, the game also inevitably (and inadvertently) invites scammers, item dupers, and fraud.

Suddenly, a fake world is fraught with real dangers.

So what’s to protect player-driven economies in a largely unregulated environment? Blockchain technology may be the solution we’re looking for, due to the decentralized network and capability to record each transaction to combat fraud.”

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