Brands to direct connect to fans

Trevor Doerksen
Published in
1 min readJan 13, 2018

WPP head, Martin Sorrell, commented on the importance of augmented reality and brand activation in sports at 2018 CES event.

“Sports teams are brands that fans have strong emotional ties to, and sponsors will need to find new and better ways to speak directly to customers through digital and social channels. “Activation is going to become increasingly important in terms of giving the sponsors opportunities to differentiate their products and services and build a relationship with you or I as the consumer,” Sorrell said.

To supercharge fan engagement the Core Network fuses entertainment, sports and esports to create a new level of events, sponsorship, merchandise sales, and betting. By utilizing the blockchain the Core Network enables uninterrupted interaction between athletes, audience and brands in video games, media and social media.

Diagram from white paper.

Sorrel went on to talk about the importance of niche sports to brands and AR.

“sports with more limited audiences are going to become even more important and significant.”

The thing I’m most interested in is virtual reality — augmented reality as well,” he said, “but that’s where I think the most exciting opportunities are.”

