How blockchain could kill both cable and Netflix

Trevor Doerksen
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

“Today Netflix and Cable still rely on the idea of “centralized” aggregation and distribution. Content creators must get past some number of “gatekeepers” and strike business deals with the network.” #corecoinz

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Learn more about how Core decentralizes the sports & entertainment business. White paper now available.

The newly decentralized, fragmented, and global nature of digital engagement, distribution and consumption of sports and entertainment content and games requires an open and distributed network that transforms audience engagement and advertising. Full disintermediation to move consumers, social media influencers, athletes and game developers into shared experiences and narratives is required. Games and screen based entertainment can best be created through iterative narratives with engaged audiences, sponsors and brands.

A fan-centric approach to funding, engagement, community, storytelling, sponsorship and advertising is emerging that could kill Netflix and Cable as the article suggests.

Crowdfunding of screen-based entertainment growth — more and more athletes, actors, and influencers are going direct to audiences to fund their projects without a community-driven ecosystem which can offer accountability, engagement, expanded narratives, and shared ownership.

Inherent deficiencies in existing sports and entertainment approaches to audience engagement, advertising, and distribution restrict access. An athlete or influencer may go direct to brand and vice versa, and direct to audiences together.

Core sees this as interrupted storytelling, where celebrity-fan engagement is interrupted by mismatched business models. Restricting access to an open interaction between:

  • brands that want to directly support athletes and influencers
  • brands that want to engage directly with audiences
  • athletes that want to support a charity and engage with audiences directly
  • audiences that want to support and engage directly with celebrities and brands
  • storytellers and creators that want to create narratives directly with their audiences

