Breaking Monotony — How Soul Blazer effectively uses GAR-Cycles

Yvens Serpa
Cores of Game Design
5 min readAug 14, 2020


Soul Blazer box art, by Quintet (1992) [source]

Soul Blazer is a SNES action-RPG developed by Quintet in 1992, in which you play as The Hero, a divine entity sent by The Master, to release captured souls and defeat the main antagonist, Deathtoll. As cliche as it might sound, Soul Blazer was quite innovative by its time, improving on the mechanics first introduced by its predecessor, ActRaiser. To this day, it is still considered…



Yvens Serpa
Cores of Game Design

I'm a Brazilian teacher currently working at Saxion University (Enschede, NL) for CMGT. I write every day for education, programming, and as a hobby. [@yvensre]