The Cores of Game Design: A Publication

Yvens Serpa
Cores of Game Design
Oct 2, 2022
Composition with Diagonals and Cross, by Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1916) [from Wikiart]

The Cores of Game Design is a publication focused on high-quality content for learning, improving, and enhancing its readers' Game Design and Development knowledge.

It also shares the same name with the upcoming book by me, this publication's editor, Yvens R. Serpa. For this, I plan to release my forthcoming chapters and studies here, together with texts from other Game Developers and Game Design scholars.

Moreover, the Cores of Game Design tries to bring unique and compelling content that can empower developers. This publication is not meant as a Game Journalism publication (which is valid and appreciated) but as a place where we can learn how to develop better games.

Stick around to read and learn more :)



Yvens Serpa
Cores of Game Design

I'm a Brazilian teacher currently working at Saxion University (Enschede, NL) for CMGT. I write every day for education, programming, and as a hobby. [@yvensre]