Kristina Garnett
Core to Coeur
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2019

by Kristina Garnett

OKAYYYY SOOOOOO we all secretly wanna commit to ourselves a little better in 2019, so this morning I decided to challenge myself in the most cliché way, but it was definitely worth it.

my WONDERFUL FRIEND MADISON PAGE has created a world of movement classes that brings EXERCISE INTO THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME, ON YOUR OWN TIME THRU THE INTERWEBS! (👈🏿😏that’s an active link by the way)

This is legitimately the smartest fucking thing anyone could ask for at this time, especially with the new year finally being here and people wanting to make more of an effort to engage in mindful self-care practices. often times, the excuse is “I LITERALLY DO NOT HAVE THE TIME!” pero, that’s honestly not even frickin valid anymore w this new technology Maddy’s got goin on here!

So i spent the whole weekend partying for my birthday with family and friends and then decided on Monday that I’d wake the hell up on Wednesday morning for 5am yoga with Anni.

I start to toss and turn in my sleep this morning and then I open my eyes at 4:30am like OKAY BITCH. SO, YOU READY AF HUH?! and i laugh to myself😝…

I pull out my laptop, walk to the living room, set it on the couch, connect w Anni and we GO!

Best. 50 minutes. ever.

I was able to really drop down into my body and follow along w her instructions through video chat better than I expected honestly….

It was funny to be so tapped in w these exercises in the middle of the living room while my dad shuffled around in the kitchen getting his lunch ready for work and mom sleepily stumbled out of bed and into the shower…

it was almost like my intention to show up for ME caused everyone here at home to feel excited about getting prepped for their day.

Anni is so great dude. She moved slowly, honored that it was 5am for me (she’s in North Dakota so….), and managed to keep an audible tone the whole damn time even though my laptop quality is trash and there was running water in the background at my house.

morning yoga is def underrated.

We think we’re gonna sign up for a 5am class at a studio until 4:30am comes and you’re STILL IN FUCKING BED like NAHHH IMMA JUST GO NEXT WEEK and you roll back over into your drool-stained pillow — -

but honestly, dude, there’s NOTHING like stumbling out of bed at 4:50am to open your computer and fucken GET IT IN.

literally nothing. i have never felt this feeling before. like WAU my laziness is justified and here’s a platform that supports it.


I feel so fucking awake. like HELLA energy. my hips and upper back are ready to take on the day of driving, sitting at a sewing machine, carrying heavy items, answering *read: ignoring* stupid ass text messages, etc!!

I’m highkey bout to commit to this for two weeks straight.

today is day one.


❤ ❤ ❤

