America Is On A Downward Spiral

corey deshawn
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2023


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America, once considered the beacon of democracy and prosperity, is on a downward spiral. The country is experiencing a range of problems that threaten its social, economic, and political stability. Political polarization and dysfunction, increasing income inequality, erosion of democratic institutions, a failing education system, healthcare crisis, environmental degradation, racial tensions and injustice, and fading global leadership are among the key issues that are plaguing the nation. These problems do not exist in isolation; they are interconnected and exacerbate one another, leading to a downward spiral that may be difficult to reverse. In this article, we delve into each of these issues to better understand how they are impacting the country and what can be done to address them.

Political Polarization and Dysfunction

America’s political system has become deeply polarized and dysfunctional. With a divided government and gridlock reigning supreme, it seems nearly impossible for anything to get done. Moreover, the loss of confidence in elections has only served to fuel the fire of political polarization. The increase in tribalism and intolerance has made it difficult for opposing sides to work together, with a lack of cooperation leading to more dysfunction.

Increasing Income Inequality

The wealth gap in America is widening, with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The decline of the middle class has led to a significant increase in income inequality. Low wages and poor working conditions are also contributing factors to the increasing income inequality. This translates into a lack of upward mobility, making it difficult for people to escape poverty or achieve the “American Dream”.

Erosion of Democratic Institutions

There has been a noticeable erosion of democratic institutions in America. Threats to press freedom and the first amendment have become more apparent, along with corporations being treated as people. Furthermore, the unchecked presidential power has contributed to the erosion of democratic institutions. These developments give way to a worrying trend towards an authoritarian state.

Failing Education System

The American education system is failing, with underfunded public schools being the norm instead of the exception. The rising student debt and college costs are making higher education unaffordable for many. There is also an education quality gap between the public and private school system. As a result, many students are left with a poor education, crippling debt, and few employment prospects.

It is clear that America is on a downward spiral, with these four areas being only a few examples of the country’s problems. Without significant changes, it is unlikely that America will be able to overcome its issues and return to a state of prosperity.

Healthcare Crisis

Healthcare in America has long been a topic of debate, with many Americans struggling to access affordable and adequate healthcare. The cost of healthcare in America is among the highest in the world, and many people are unable to afford even basic care. Additionally, access barriers such as lack of insurance or being underinsured prevent many from receiving necessary medical attention.

The healthcare industry’s influence on policy also adds to the crisis. Pharmaceutical companies and other healthcare corporations often use their financial power to push policies that benefit their profits over patients’ needs. This results in policies that prioritize cost-cutting over improving access and quality of care.

Compared to other industrialized countries, America’s healthcare system falls short. Universal healthcare is the norm in many other countries, which ensures everyone has access to quality care. In America, however, healthcare is seen as a commodity rather than a basic human right. This leaves millions of Americans without the care they need, leading to unnecessary suffering and preventable deaths.

Environmental Degradation

Climate change denial and inaction have led to environmental degradation that is having an impact on people’s lives. Overconsumption and waste have led to resource depletion, and pollution is affecting air and water quality. The consequences of our actions will be felt for generations to come.

Climate change is not a new issue, but America’s current administration has been rolling back environmental protections, making it easier for companies to pollute and damage the environment. The consequences of this inaction are already apparent, with devastating natural disasters becoming more frequent and severe.

Individuals also play a role in environmental degradation, with overconsumption and waste contributing to resource depletion. America’s culture of consumerism promotes the idea that people always need more, leading to an unsustainable lifestyle.

Racial Tensions and Injustice

Racial tensions and injustice have been a problem in America for centuries, and recent events have brought these issues to the forefront. Marginalization of minorities is still a reality for many Americans, with systemic racism affecting access to education, employment, healthcare, and even personal safety.

Police brutality and systemic racism are also major issues, with black Americans disproportionately targeted by law enforcement. The Black Lives Matter movement has highlighted these issues and pushed for change, but progress has been slow.

Immigration policies have also been a source of tension, with the current administration enacting policies that target immigrants and refugees, often separating families and creating unnecessary suffering.

Fading Global Leadership

America has long been seen as a global leader, but recent actions have caused other countries to question America’s authority. The current administration’s withdrawal from international agreements, such as the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Deal, has weakened America’s position on the global stage.

Increasing isolationism has also damaged America’s relationships with other countries, with policies such as the travel ban creating unnecessary tension. Additionally, diminished moral authority due to America’s handling of human rights issues, such as separating immigrant families, has further weakened America’s influence.

Unless America can address these issues and take action to improve healthcare, protect the environment, promote racial equality, and regain its standing as a global leader, the country’s decline may continue.In conclusion, America’s downward spiral is a multifaceted problem that requires comprehensive solutions. It is up to the citizens, policymakers, and leaders of the country to work together to tackle these issues and put America back on the path to prosperity and stability. By addressing the root causes of these problems and implementing effective policies, America can once again become a beacon of hope and progress for the world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is America really on a downward spiral?

Yes, America is facing a myriad of issues that threaten its social, economic, and political stability. These issues are interconnected and exacerbate each other, leading to a downward spiral that may be difficult to reverse.

What are the main problems that America is facing?

The main problems that America is facing include political polarization and dysfunction, increasing income inequality, erosion of democratic institutions, a failing education system, healthcare crisis, environmental degradation, racial tensions and injustice, and fading global leadership.

Can these issues be solved?

Yes, these issues can be solved. However, it requires comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of these problems. It also requires the collective effort of policymakers, citizens, and leaders of the country to work together to tackle these issues.

What can individuals do to address these issues?

Individuals can play an important role in addressing these issues by staying informed about the problems, supporting policies that address the root causes of these problems, and participating in civic engagement. By working together, we can help put America back on the path to prosperity and stability.

