Grief And Healing Meditations And The Benefits That Come With It

corey deshawn
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2023


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Grief can be an overwhelming emotion. It can take over your life, leaving you feeling helpless and alone.

But there is hope — grief meditation can help you find peace and acceptance in your journey of healing. Meditation is a powerful tool for managing the physical and emotional pain of grief.

Focusing on the present moment, allows us to let go of our worries and anxieties about the future or regrets from the past. With practice, we can learn to accept our emotions without judgment or resistance, allowing us to move forward with greater clarity and understanding.

To get started with grief meditation, begin by taking care of yourself physically. First, you must eat nourishing meals regularly.

There are depressed and sad people who resort to eating too much while others barely eat. Either way, you’re bound to get sick because anything in excess or insufficient can make a person ill.

Try to get plenty of rest and exercise regularly. Restlessness is natural, especially for a person who is sad or grieving; try your best effort to take a rest; this is the only way to keep your strength up during this difficult period.

Make sure that you exercise regularly too as it helps release endorphins which will make you feel better emotionally as well as physically. Next, set aside some time each day for meditating on your grief.

Find a quiet place where no one else will disturb you, sit down comfortably, close your eyes, focus on your breath, and allow yourself just be in that moment without any expectations. Allow all thoughts related to grief to come into awareness but don’t cling onto them; simply observe them then let them drift away like clouds passing through the sky.

This will help bring more clarity into how exactly these emotions affect us so that we may start accepting them instead of resisting them. Lastly, remember that healing takes time so don’t rush yourself into feeling better right away; permit yourself to grieve at whatever pace feels right for you without any pressure from anyone else around you.

Take things one step at a time — if today was hard then tomorrow might be easier — trust in the process knowing that eventually, things will start looking brighter again soon enough. Grief meditation can offer tremendous benefits when practiced consistently over time — not only does it provide relief from physical pain but also helps us gain mental clarity which ultimately leads toward self-acceptance & inner peace even amidst sadness & despair.

So if ever going through tough times due to remembering someone important lost recently then don’t hesitate to give this technique ago — it could very well turn out to be a lifesaver! Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to help people find inner peace and connect with their spiritual selves.

It can be done in many different forms, but the type of healing meditation we will discuss here is focused on providing a sense of balance and harmony within oneself. When practiced regularly, this type of meditation can reap several benefits for those who choose to make it part of their daily routine.

Here are just some of the advantages that come from regular healing meditation: 1) Decreased Stress Levels: One of the most important benefits that come from regular meditation is decreased stress levels.

In our modern world, stress can often seem like an ever-present force in our lives. Regularly engaging in healing meditation helps us to take a step back from life’s pressures and relax into ourselves, allowing us to gain perspective on our situation while reducing overall stress levels.

2) Improved Mental Clarity & Focus: Meditation also helps improve mental clarity by helping us become more mindful of our thoughts and actions.

By taking time out each day to focus solely on ourselves, we can better recognize patterns or habits which may have previously gone unnoticed due to being lost amidst everyday distractions.

This improved mental clarity leads naturally to increased focus as well — since we now know what needs attention, we can devote more energy towards achieving it without getting sidetracked or overwhelmed by other tasks at hand.

3) Increased Self-Awareness & Confidence: Finally, another benefit derived from regular mediation sessions is increased self-awareness and confidence; as we spend more time focusing inwardly rather than outwardly (on external factors such as work or relationships), it becomes easier for us to identify areas where growth may be needed and develop strategies accordingly so that they no longer hold us back from achieving success in any area of life.

The newfound awareness also gives rise to a greater appreciation for one’s strengths and capabilities — something which ultimately translates into higher levels of confidence when tackling new challenges or opportunities down the line!

Overall, there are numerous ways in which engaging in healing meditation regularly can positively impact your life — whether you’re looking for ways to reduce stress levels or increase your self-confidence; whatever your goal might be, investing time into this practice certainly won’t go amiss!

