Why Jackson Tennessee Is The Worst Place To Live

corey deshawn
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2023
AI assistance story

Jackson, Tennessee is widely considered to be one of the worst places to live in the United States. This opinion has been formed due to several factors, but perhaps the most significant factor is racism.

Living in Jackson, Tennessee has become a nightmare for many residents. The city is plagued with racial profiling, poverty, and crime.

Racial profiling is one of the biggest issues that plague this city. It seems like everywhere you go in every store it or any other establishment they are targeting black Americans.

This type of discrimination leads to feelings of frustration and anger among African-Americans who feel that they are being unfairly targeted simply because of their skin color. Racism in Jackson, Tennessee takes many forms from subtle microaggressions to blatant acts of violence.

From segregated neighborhoods to unequal access to resources, African Americans are often treated differently than their white counterparts. This discrimination can be seen across all aspects of life including education, employment opportunities, and housing options.

The poverty rate in Jackson is also extremely high compared to the rest of the state.

Many people struggle to make ends meet due to low wages and the lack of job opportunities available in the area.

This means that even necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter can be difficult to come by at times leading to an overall feeling of hopelessness among those living there.

Crime rates are also alarmingly high throughout Jackson which makes it unsafe for both residents and visitors alike.

There have been numerous reports of violent crimes such as murder, rape, assault, burglary, robbery and more occurring within the city limits daily making it one of the most dangerous cities in Tennessee if not all across America as well.

The issue goes far beyond just physical acts of aggression though; there is also a deep-seated prejudice among many locals who view African Americans as second-class citizens at best and criminals at worst.

This attitude can manifest itself in subtle ways such as refusal of service at stores or restaurants, unequal treatment from police officers, or even blatant verbal abuse on the streets.

As if this weren’t enough, black residents also face high rates of poverty with limited access to quality education and healthcare services — making life even more difficult for those living in Jackson’s predominantly African American neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, racism isn’t just present between different racial groups; there is also significant animosity between blacks themselves.

Black-on-black crime is an issue throughout the state and this creates an environment where African Americans feel unsafe and unwelcome in their communities.

This feeling of mistrust among members of the same race only serves to further divide them along racial lines which perpetuates racism even further.

All these factors combined make living in Jackson an unpleasant experience for anyone unfortunate enough to call this place home.

From racial profiling to extreme poverty levels coupled with rampant crime rates; there isn’t much good about living here unless you’re looking for a challenge or just want something different from your everyday life then maybe this would be suitable but otherwise it’s not recommended by most people who have experienced life here first hand!

The problem with racism in Jackson, Tennessee is that it has become so ingrained into society that it goes largely unnoticed by those who benefit from it or simply choose not to acknowledge its existence at all costs.

Until we start having meaningful conversations about race relations within our communities and work towards creating an inclusive society for everyone regardless of race or ethnicity then Jackson, Tennessee will continue to remain one of the worst places for African Americans to live in America today due to its pervasive racism and hostility towards Whites, Asians, Mexicans and Blacks hating blacks culture.

