Why Medium Is Overrated

corey deshawn
Published in
7 min readMay 15, 2023


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Why medium.com is overrated

Medium.com has become one of the most popular online publishing platforms for writers and readers alike, offering a space for diverse perspectives and ideas. However, with its growing popularity and reputation, questions have arisen about the credibility and inclusivity of the platform, as well as its impact on the wider web. This article aims to critically examine Medium.com’s popularity, highlighting some of its limitations and drawbacks, and exploring alternative platforms for writers and readers.

Introduction to Medium.com’s Popularity

If you’ve spent any time online in the past few years, chances are you’ve heard of Medium.com. The platform has exploded in popularity as a hub for online writing and content creation. With the slick interface and user-friendly format, it’s easy to see why so many people are drawn to it. But is the hype justified? In this article, we’ll explore why we think Medium.com is overrated.

What is Medium.com

Medium.com is an online publishing platform founded in 2012 by the co-founder of Twitter, Evan Williams. In its simplest form, it’s a place to read and write stories, articles, and essays. Medium.com has gained traction by positioning itself as a platform that values quality writing and content curation. It offers a variety of features, including a built-in audience, a personalized reading experience, and a simple interface that allows writers to focus on their craft.

Medium.com’s Growing Popularity

Medium.com has seen explosive growth since its inception. The site boasts 120 million monthly readers, 700,000 subscribed publications, and 60 million monthly visitors. It has become a go-to destination for writers, journalists, and bloggers looking to share their ideas with a wider audience. Many publications, including The Washington Post and The Atlantic, use Medium as a publishing platform to reach a broader readership.

The Myth of Medium.com’s Credibility

While Medium.com’s popularity is undeniable, its credibility may not be as secure as some might believe.

Medium.com’s Lack of Fact-Checking and Editorial Oversight

One of the most significant concerns with Medium.com is the lack of fact-checking and editorial oversight. Unlike traditional publishers, Medium does not have a team of editors who review every piece of content that is published on the platform. Instead, the responsibility falls on the authors to ensure the accuracy of their work.

Examples of Articles with Inaccurate Information

Unfortunately, this lack of oversight has led to some inaccurate and misleading articles being published on the platform. For example, in 2018, Medium.com was criticized for allowing articles that promoted false information about vaccinations to be published on the site, potentially putting readers’ health at risk.

Medium.com’s Lack of Diversity and Inclusivity

Another area where Medium.com falls short is diversity and inclusivity.

The Platform’s Homogeneous User Base

While Medium.com has a vast and diverse readership, the same cannot be said for its writers. A study by The Pudding found that the majority of writers on Medium.com are white, male, and highly educated. This lack of diversity poses a problem when it comes to ensuring that a wide range of voices are heard.

The Challenge of Amplifying Underrepresented Voices on Medium.com

Medium.com has made some efforts to tackle this issue, such as prioritizing stories from underrepresented voices in its algorithm. However, the platform still has a long way to go to ensure that a diverse range of voices and perspectives are amplified on the site.

The Platform’s Limited Reach and Impact

Finally, while Medium.com has a large readership, it isn’t as influential as some might believe.

Medium.com’s Paywall and Restricted Access

One of the main issues is the paywall. While Medium.com allows anyone to read its content for free, access to certain articles is restricted to paying members. This limits the reach of some articles and reduces their potential impact.

The Platform’s Limited Influence on the Wider Web

In addition, Medium.com’s influence on the wider web is limited. While articles on the platform may be shared on social media, they don’t tend to gain the same traction as articles published on traditional media outlets. As a result, the impact of the articles published on Medium.com may be limited.

In conclusion, while Medium.com has its benefits, it’s not the game-changing platform that some might believe it to be. Its lack of credibility, diversity, and influence means that other platforms may be a better choice for writers looking to share their ideas with a wider audience. Medium.com’s Business Model and Its Effects on Content Quality

Medium.com is an online publishing platform that has gained immense popularity in recent years. However, many writers and readers are beginning to question the platform’s business model and its impact on content quality. Medium.com thrives on creating clickbait and viral content to generate views and clicks, which can sometimes come at the expense of quality. Additionally, Medium.com has shifted its focus to partner with larger publishers, which can overshadow the work of independent writers and limit the variety of content available on the platform.

The Platform’s Reliance on Clickbait and Viral Content

Medium.com’s business model relies heavily on creating clickbait and viral content. While this can generate views and clicks, it often comes at the expense of quality and substance. Many writers are pressured to create content that will appeal to the masses rather than writing pieces that have depth and meaning. As a result, the platform can be inundated with articles that lack substance and meaningful insights.

The Negative Effects of Medium.com’s Clap System on Content Quality

Medium.com’s clap system, which allows readers to give applause to writers, has also had negative effects on content quality. The system creates a culture where writers are incentivized to prioritize clicks and like over quality. Additionally, the clap system can be manipulated, as some writers have found ways to artificially increase their clap count, which can give an inaccurate representation of a piece’s popularity.

Alternatives to Medium.com for Writers and Readers

Despite its popularity, Medium.com is not the only option for writers and readers. Several alternatives provide opportunities for writers to create quality content and for readers to find meaningful pieces.

Substack: A Newsletter Platform for Writers

Substack is a newsletter platform that allows writers to create and distribute newsletters directly to their subscribers. The platform is designed to create a direct relationship between writers and their audience, which allows for more meaningful and authentic content. Substack also provides writers with monetization options, including the ability to create paid subscriptions or accept donations from readers.

Ghost: An Open-Source Platform for Self-Hosted Blogs

Ghost is an open-source platform for self-hosted blogs. The platform is designed for writers who value simplicity and want to focus on content creation rather than website design. Ghost provides writers with a range of customization options, including templates, themes, and custom domains, all while maintaining a minimalist and user-friendly interface.

Conclusion: The Future of Medium.com and Online Publishing

Is Medium.com Still Relevant?

The question of whether Medium.com is still relevant is difficult to answer. While the platform remains popular, it has faced criticism for its business model and the quality of its content. Additionally, the platform’s focus on partnering with larger publishers can limit the variety of content available. However, Medium.com remains a viable option for writers who value the exposure the platform provides.

Where is Online Publishing Heading?

The future of online publishing is difficult to predict, but it is clear that there is a growing demand for quality content. As readers become more discerning and writers strive for authenticity and depth, platforms that prioritize these values will likely become more successful. Additionally, platforms that provide writers with more control over their work and readers with more meaningful interactions will continue to gain popularity. In conclusion, while Medium.com has undoubtedly played a significant role in the online publishing space, it is not without its limitations and criticisms. As we move forward, writers and readers need to consider the various alternative platforms available to ensure that we continue to foster diverse, credible, and inclusive spaces for the exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Medium.com a reliable source of information?

Medium.com is not a traditional news source and does not have the same level of fact-checking or editorial oversight. While many articles on the platform are credible, readers should exercise critical thinking and fact-checking when reading content on Medium.com.

Why is inclusivity on Medium.com important?

Inclusivity is critical in any online space to ensure that diverse voices are heard and represented. Medium.com’s homogeneous user base and lack of amplification for underrepresented writers limit the platform’s potential to foster a truly diverse and inclusive space for the exchange of ideas and perspectives.

What are the alternatives to Medium.com?

There are several alternative platforms for writers and readers, including Substack, Ghost, and WordPress. These platforms offer varying levels of control, customization, and monetization options for writers, allowing them to tailor their publishing experience to their specific needs and preferences.

What is the future of online publishing?

The future of online publishing is uncertain, with new platforms and technologies emerging constantly. However, we will likely see a continued shift towards more personalized, niche-focused platforms that offer greater control and monetization options for writers. It is also crucial that we prioritize the values of credibility, inclusivity, and diversity in online publishing spaces to ensure that they continue to serve as meaningful vehicles for the exchange of ideas and perspective.

