E Zach
Corgi Time
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


It’s a LIE. It’s all a Lie!!!

Alright. In a perfect world, you would be able to have your cake and eat it too. And when something said FREE on it, it would mean it was actually FREE….Forever!

Well, unfortunately, we do not live in that perfect world. We go online and we look for free downloads of software, free sheet music for our repertoire, free streaming of movies and so on.

Oh, it says free…Click…two seconds late this sketchy website is having you fill out some random form with your information and then BOOM….what’s it ask for? None other than your credit card information.

Free my a$$.

If you want something that’s free, it’s going to cost you. Not always only money, but your personal information, etc.

Also, if something is free online, you’re rarely going to get exactly what you wanted when clicking on that link. It’s not going to be the quality you need.

Even Heath Ledger says so.

So say bye to those skeazy people on the internet trying to trick you and take your money behind your back. Because once your information is in there, you ain’t getting it back.

Bye, b****es

