Money Trails

Corgi Time
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2017

Democracy was supposed to give citizens the power…


Yet, it’s common and accepted that money (not hard work or skills) can buy political power and sway. America was founded in part to escape from a monarchy form of government, but all throughout history there have been several instances of our government’s own version of “royal” families. Examples include the Bush, Kennedy and Murdoch families plus many more that wield extreme power and influence over the country simply because they have massive amounts of money. It’s ironic that we pride ourselves on our political system because our leaders are “chosen by the people”(not destined by God or birth like a monarchy), yet when it comes to real power in America it is most certainly kept in the families with the deep pockets.

Generational white privilege has provided and continues to provide a certain class of people more life chances from birth that bring them power and automatic wealth. Though not all white Americans benefit from this white privilege, Trump is certainly no exception to this. I mean most Americans don’t get the opportunity to start a business with a “small loan”of $1 million dollars from their parents. The only reason he even had a chance against any of his competitors was because he had no political experience.

Sidebar: For one, it seems bizarre to wholeheartedly trust a candidate to be a good fit for a job because of the fact that they don’t have any experience in the job that they are trying to get. Two, just because he didn’t have his tentacles in the political sphere, doesn’t mean he wasn’t a malevolent bully in the actual area he does have experience in. Y’all ain’t ready for all that yet though so I’ll move on…

I’m aware that this is a capitalist country, but does that make it okay for people to buy their way into highly esteemed positions that they have no qualifications to do?

Unfortunately the reality of the situation is that wherever there are positions of immense power there will be a certain amount of exploitation. However, I don’t think it is asking too much for the current Republican administration to, at the very least, select people who are qualified for the job. I mean come on. I can’t be the only one who finds the fact that someone like Betsy Devos can buy her way into such an important and powerful position such as Secretary of Education extremely unsettling.

If America is supposed to be for the people and Trump has somehow convinced millions of Americans that he embodies this sentiment, what’s up with these cabinet picks? Education is an integral part of “becoming a great country again” (his goal, not a representation of my opinion on America being great or not). It’s well known that America has already fallen behind in the education department compared to other countries, particularly Asian countries. Entrusting this important department with an imbecile who thinks guns should be allowed in schools to fend off bears seems like a regressive move that moves even farther away from helping the people.

It seems the only way to truly make this country “great again” will be to fight corruption and…

Grab Your Wallet!



Corgi Time

USC ’19. Dogs are better than people. That’s all.