Snap me a #selfie
Snapchat, TV, movies, and a daily dose of ADHD
The newer generations are being conditioned to have short-attention spans.
IMPATIENCE is rampant.
We now all have instant access to any information we want.
Want to know who someone is? Type their name into facebook and BOOM! You now see who the person you were talking about is.
Want to see what people are up to? Check their snapstories which are a series of a maximum of 7-second images.
Want to watch a movie? Pull it up On Demand or illegally stream it online.
We have instant access to it all. This means WHY WAIT? Why would I choose to wait to find something out when I could just look it up now and get it over with.
We need to challenge ourselves to be more patient. Sure, I’m not asking you to change your inclination to look something up if you’re eager, but maybe strike up a debate with whomever first before you immediately go to look up your question.
- you get to communicate and create a connection with someone
- you condition your brain to work and think more than you would with immediate validation.
So just try it and let me know how that goes!