Starburst Data Raised $100M — But What Is It?

Looking At A Company Trying To Make Presto(now Trino, easier)

Ben Rogojan
SeattleDataGuy By SeattleDataGuy


Even small companies these days on average have 47.81 terabytes of data that they manage. Regardless if you’re a small company or a trillion-dollar behemoth, data is driving decisions. But as data ecosystems become more complex, having the right tools for the job is important.

One modern data management tool that can help manage data at really any size from a wide array of data sources in Presto(In December 2020, PrestoSQL was rebranded as Trino and we will now reference it as such).

But Trino is not limited to helping large tech companies, or even just large companies in general. In the past few years, thanks to new technologies Trino is becoming popularized with companies of all sizes.

Trino on it’s own is difficult to manage and doesn’t provide enterprise necessary features like scaling, security and monitoring. That’s where Starburst Data comes in. Maybe that’s why Starburst Data already raised $100M.

In this article, we will discuss what Trino is, why companies are using it, and how your company can implement it utilizing companies like Starburst Data so you can fully utilize it for your enterprise.

What Is Presto(Now Trino)



Ben Rogojan
SeattleDataGuy By SeattleDataGuy

#Data #Engineer, Strategy Development Consultant and All Around Data Guy #deeplearning #dataengineering #datascience #tech