If your product isn’t documented it doesn’t exist

David Ryan
Corilla Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2017


If I asked you to tell me about your product’s documentation right now you would probably find someone else to talk to instead. It’s not exactly the most exciting conversation for most product teams, right?

Which is interesting as it’s probably one of the most important.

Along with the onboarding process and customer support, documentation is the “transfer layer” of knowledge for your customers. Documentation is an essential component in how a user transforms their intent into an outcome. So maybe not a small thing to ignore.

Docs or didn’t happen

A product without documentation is invisible. Or probably even worse than that — known but ignored.

How wasteful is it to see a fully-featured solution to a real problem emerging from an incredible effort of a product team… and stumbling at the last mile of actually showing the customer what it can do?

Every bit of product development relies on empowering your customer in transferring an intent to an outcome. Documentation may not be as fun as onboarding widgets or customer support apps, but it is still the majority of that actual process at any significant depth.

You know what? That “magical” product probably doesn’t “just work” by itself after all.

More than just writing



David Ryan
Corilla Blog

Open Source and Quantum at OSRG. Former Head of Product at Quantum Brilliance, founder of Corilla and open source at Red Hat..