Made for Cities

Brompton Bikes

Nicola Wilson
Corke Wallis
3 min readOct 25, 2018


Losing focus

We started working with Brompton in 2013. They were expanding rapidly (52 countries in 10 years) and suffering from inconsistencies in the way their brand expressed itself . For example, Brompton’s Korean dealers were making poor quality branded lunch boxes for their customers who used the bikes for weekend getaways — potentially eroding confidence in a brand built on engineering excellence.

Brompton brand mark and architecture
Brompton brand guidelines
Brompton campaign photography
Brompton bespoke icon suite
Brompton campaign photography
Brompton strategic shifts
Brompton internal mission statements
Brompton In store signage

The Solution

To regain control of a newly global brand, Brompton needed a global idea. The bike transforms your experience of living in a city and makes you feel unstoppable. We distilled this insight into a brand essence ‘Made for Cities’. Brompton rightly questioned whether a city focus would alienate customers, but the population growth of cities and the associated pollution and congestion problems their product solved, presented a far bigger prize.

“Strategically, CW got us to realise we’re a global company; we weren’t speaking on a global platform. They help us communicate and understand what we want to communicate.” Will Butler-Adams OBE, Brompton CEO

New direction

‘Made for Cities’ helped Brompton in all areas of their business. New models (and services are positioned as solutions to city living. The product design team make decisions faster and create products that tell the same story. The Brompton World Championship, once held at Blenheim Palace, now takes place in central London.

New audiences

Marketing campaigns, events and point of sale all revolve around city themes. We create social campaigns like #unseen city that have hugely increased Brompton’s reach and awareness with urban audiences globally.

Brompton’s CEO, Will Butler Adams is using his company’s city focus as a campaigning platform — gaining private and public sector support and constantly expanding the Brompton’s relevance as a tool for improving cities.

‘Made for Cities’ — products

Brompton Electric is the complete solution to city commuting — fast, compact, healthy (without too much effort) and non-polluting. We positioned and branded Brompton’s first new bike for 25 years and continue to work on its global roll-out.

Brompton Electric Identity — Charge, Unfold, Go
Brompton Electric Campaign — Rush Hour Rescue

“Many of the people who buy e-bikes don’t see themselves as cyclists, they just want to beat the crowds, get off public transport and rediscover their city — Brompton electric folding bike is all about easy city living”

