Corkscrew Coach

Steve Jones
2 min readFeb 21, 2018


Just spent first two weeks as a Corkscrew Coach in Exeter, UK with 35 mostly Irish young people. 4 coaches > Sean, Maria and Ben — the perfect Dream Team.

“Future-proofing careers and companies through the power of Corkscrew Thinking — training, start-ups and careers”

great fun — what struck me about the Corkscrew Way was the fun we had during learning. Why should learning ever be dry, boring or meaningless — no more. We had plenty of laughter of the Irish, Scandinavian, American, Romanian, Brazilian, Venezuelan and Italian kind! Then a bit of English wit from me, the only Brit in the room… Corkscrew learning comes from the heart — its about meaningful ways of doing life and business so fun is always part of the mix. I even did a dance and an Irish jig as part of one session 😊…

great values — loved the values of inclusion and welcome — we saw people prosper and flourish whatever their physical ability, mental well-being, academic level, country of origin, creed, gender or colour. There was no ‘us and them’, just a learning community trying to make the most of each day.

great team — Neil Finnie put together a great international team to lead the 2 weeks — Irish, Swedish, American and a Brit. We all had complimentary skills and abilities plus we enjoyed some great meals together — burgers, bolognaises and beers !

funny face time !

great students —

Just read a tweet where one student said it was the best 2 weeks of their entire life — wow…

It seems to be the perfect mix of purpose, learning, fun and community

Gatwick — way home to Ireland

great fulfilment — I’m normally a digital professional sitting in front of a screen, so to spend 2 weeks in close community was such a joy and then to see students all around me grow in confidence and self-esteem in some key skills — wow!

Corkscrew believes in people and their potential to change the world and I love that!

Steve Jones

- Digital RoadSmith

- Movements Coach



Steve Jones

DIGITAL ROADSMITH for Coaches, Trainers, Activists and Speakers. MOVEMENTS COACH for Extraordinary Movement Leaders.