Transitioning to a Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Brooke Roberts
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2018


This month I’m living and working in Valparaiso, Chile, and set the unrealistic goal of creating a video blog (vlog) every day.

Well, it’s February 15th and I’ve created a grand total of 3 videos. But I consider this a win since that’s three more videos than I created the entire first 5 months.

It’s important to have stretch goals — even if you don’t hit them. ;) #lifelessons

I decided to do a little throwback video about my life right before I left on this year of remote work and travel. To put things into perspective, I first learned about this type of work and travel digital nomad experience/company when I saw Remote Year on Product Hunt and then met with one of the founders about potentially working there.

I was really focused on building my own company and the idea of participating in one of these programs to travel with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs sounded perfect.

So I spent the next three years with this idea in the back of my mind, always nagging at my sense of wanderlust. Well, in July of 2017, I decided to throw caution to the wind and reached out to a few companies to see if it could be a good fit. My apartment lease was ending in September and a few other things in my life were coming to a close, so it felt like the right moment.

And then, as things tend to happen in my world, I talked to a few people at different companies and one day just pulled the trigger and signed up to travel with Pangea196 beginning September 1, 2017.

In a matter of a few days, I decided to completely upend my world. And in this video, I chronicle some of the chaos that was my life during the next six weeks leading up to departure.

What I don’t share is the adventure of selling my car, how I was in the middle of launching a brand new product for my business, and going through a break-up.

It was a pretty emotional, stressful, exhilarating time.




Brooke Roberts

Kansas gal→travel industry exec, 4x fndr, TEDx talker, digital nomad | Building another solopreneur biz to multiple six-figures.