Welcome to Corkscrew!

Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2017


So here it is, our first ever Medium post! We’re really excited to have this space to be able to keep you up to speed on what’s going on at CorkscrewHQ, our latest programs as well as the current news in Corkscrew Thinking!

Ok, but what is hell Corkscrew Thinking?!

We’ll be publishing a post in the future that delves deeper into the history of Corkscrew Thinking but for those of you who are new to the concept, here’s a brief crash course!

Corkscrew Thinking’s roots lie in World War II when then British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill declared that the war would never be won because both the allies and the enemies were using the same mindset in their strategising and therefore were always be able to guess the others next move. What was need, according to Churchill, was a different way of thinking; one that sought to tackle problems from a completely different angle; to think outside the box; and to generate creative solutions that the enemy would never expect!

Ok, but what does that have to do with Corkscrew?

Jumping forward to 2017, we believe that the principles of Corkscrew Thinking remain highly valuable and that they can be used to help unlock the full potential of both our personal and professional development. 5 years ago when our journey began, we were searching for contemporary Corkscrew Thinkers and realised that Entrepreneurs are the perfect illustration of what it means to be a Corkscrew Thinker. By the virtue of their ability to identify gains where others only see pain, they are creative problem solvers; by their ability to create something from nothing they demonstrate innovativeness and initiative and and in their commitment and nerve to venture into unchartered territory they become leaders with loyal and dedicated followers who believe and buy into their visions. For these reasons, we have worked hard over the last 5 years to create a set of materials as well environments that help to develop your Creative Problem Solving, Initiative and Leadership skills through the process of Business Startup.

How can I get involved?

Since 2012, we have built up a Community of over 500 Corkscrew Thinkers and we’re looking to make 2017 our greatest year yet! We’ve got some exciting plans in the pipeline that will enable to us to scale up our vision and we would love you to be a part of our journey.




Challenging the norm and championing creativity. Follow us for #CorkscrewThinking inspiration