To Bootstrap or not to Bootstrap? That is not the question…

Published in
8 min readOct 22, 2019


10 things to think about when raising outside capital and insights from founders who’ve done both.

Corl is an artificially-intelligent platform that finances businesses in the digital economy and shares in their future revenue. If you’re interested in learning more about revenue sharing, welcome to connect with Corl directly through Twitter, LinkedIn or through our website.

Regardless of deciding to raise venture capital, a savvy entrepreneur should always be bootstrapping. Too many entrepreneurs have the goal of raising venture capital, rather than the goal of a viable business. Raising Venture Capital is easy if you can answer one question — how are you going to turn $1 of invested capital into $10? The decision to raise outside investment should be predicated on how fast you want to scale and if taking on money is worth the growth. That being said, here are 10 things things to think about when choosing to raise outside capital or to keep bootstrapping:

1. Ownership and Control

When you raise outside capital, you are selling ownership of your company. Investors are buying that ownership, and you as the owner or seller control that process. Consider whom you’re bringing into that…




Corl is an artificially-intelligent platform that finances businesses in the digital economy and shares in their future revenue. #revenuesharing