Foundry’s WTF (10-Dec-2016)

Arnaud Sahuguet
Cornell Tech
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2016
The Foundry @ Cornell Tech

The Foundry’s Weekly Technology Fix (WTF) is a curated list of articles/posts/etc. we found interesting. The Foundry @ Cornell Tech transforms research and ideas into products.

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Department of 🎮 💉 (Digital Addictions)

Google being a channel for evil, Facebook being incompatible with news, Amazon making your shopping experience seamless-er, and our internet-of-things future.

Department of 🎅 🎁 (Holiday Season)

A few gift ideas for the holiday season.

Department of 💡🏙 (Smarter Cities)

City dashboards, being a Product Manager in a driverless world, buses and moving sidewalks to replace them.

Department of 🤑 🔌 (Shameless Plugs)

Nothing to report this week.

Department of 🌈🎆(Silver Linings)

Billionaires and augmented reality for a good cause.

Department of 🎬 📖 (worthy quotes)

If this compilation of genuine quotes is not good enough for you, check .

« The funny thing about self-driving cars is that ironically you’re not designing for the driver, you’re designing for the passenger only. » – Kevin Lee, (source)

« In a way, the 404 did for hypertext what the zero did for math: It was obvious, but formalizing it and creating a notation revolutionized the rest of the system. » – Jesse Dunietz (source)

« It is time to legislate more strongly that the value of the data we create by our actions, our movement and our communication belongs to us as individuals, and that in turn we receive a greater share of the profits that are made from its use. » – Rick Robinson (source)

« The internet lets you buy, but it does not let you shop. » Benedict Evans (source)

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Arnaud Sahuguet
Cornell Tech

@sahuguet, SVP Product at Gro Intelligence, previous life includes Cornell Tech, NYU GovLab, Google, Bell Labs, UPenn, X91.