Foundry’s WTF (22-Oct-2016)

Arnaud Sahuguet
Cornell Tech
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2016

The Foundry’s Weekly Technology Fix (WTF) is a curated list of articles/posts/etc. we found interesting. The Foundry @ Cornell Tech transforms research and ideas into products.

Department of 🎮 💉 (Digital Addictions)

Black Mirror

The critically-acclaimed UK TV series is back on Netflix for Season 3.

The first episode called Nose dive is a wonderful satire of social media and the disaster of an economy based on "likes" and reciprocated "likes". And for people who need to prioritize their precious time, here is an article ranking the episodes from seasons 1 and 2.

Google Home, Amazon Echo, Apple HomeKit: Everything you need to know

An article that compares the new devices that are going to invade and rule your smart homes.

Internet of things and security

Department of 💡 🏙 (Smarter Cities)

Empowering Cities

A white paper by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) about real stories on how citizens and businesses are driving smart cities.

Here’s How Self-Driving Cars Will Transform Your City

8 Experts Predict How Self-Driving Cars Will Transform Your city.

Department of 🤑 🔌 (Shameless Plugs)

Pallette: first open-source tongue-computer interface

Hidden from view, Pallette enables the mobility impaired to control technology using the tongue. Pallette uses infrared sensors to track tongue motion and a microphone to detect tongue taps. It currently enables individuals to control computers, Android tablets, and Android phones as a Bluetooth mouse.

The project was built by Cornell Tech students and is available at .

Cornell Tech Runway program

The Runway is a 1–3 years tech incubator in the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at CornellTech. It is an innovative hybrid of a postdoc educational program and a startup incubator, highly competitive, providing PhD graduates with a supportive environment that includes funding, high level mentoring in technology, business and entrepreneurship, space and more.

Application is now open for next Fall’s cohort. More details are available here.

Data Science and GIS

I had the pleasure of giving a presentation about my views on location and data science at the NYS GIS summit.

Department of 🇺🇸 🗳 (US Elections)

Trump & Clinton at dinner

Aziz Ansari about voting

Department of 🎬 📖 (worthy quotes)

« Michelle Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it, it’s fantastic. They think she’s so great. My wife, Melania, gives the exact same speech, and people get on her case, and I don’t get it. I don’t know why. » Donald Trump

« Someone once told me that the best way to ensure that a message gets communicated throughout an organization is to spread rumors about it. » [from The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business]

« What interests me is the number of people who believe that they have the ability to drive the train and who think that this is the power position — that driving the train is the way to shape their companies’ futures. The truth is, it’s not. Driving the train doesn’t set its course. The real job is laying the track. » [from Ed Catmull in Creativity, Inc]



Arnaud Sahuguet
Cornell Tech

@sahuguet, SVP Product at Gro Intelligence, previous life includes Cornell Tech, NYU GovLab, Google, Bell Labs, UPenn, X91.