A New Start: Corners

Samuel Mok
Corners | By @smoktephoto
4 min readJun 18, 2020

Hello everyone. If you have come across this page by recommendation or by chance, thank you for visiting. As the creator of Corners, I would like to share with you some of the posts, articles and content you can expect over the coming weeks.

Before that, let me tell you more about myself:

  • I am already active on other social media platforms as smoktephoto. you could say this is an ‘advanced’ blog where I share more about my interests and thoughts that I came across while surfing the internet.
  • I am a Geography alumnus from Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL).
  • I have been a passionate photographer since 2010. I have owned a range of cameras, but my current equipment is the Canon EOS 70D, which has served me well since 2015.
  • I have been a transport geek since 2003.
  • I have been a KPop fan since 2013. I see myself as a multi-fandom person, but my all-time favourite group is APink.

Find Yours

When we explore the world around us, we subconsciously move to our own corners where we feel most comfortable. While chasing each of our interests, passions and experiences, we somehow create our own bubbles that define our personality in more ways than one. Straight paths in life might come easily for some, but it takes a corner (in turning and as a space) to shed light on new perspectives of the world.

​My corners are photography, transport and KPop. But my question to you is, what are yours?

Create Memories

Corners’ core philosophy is to upload content that will create memories for the reader and viewer. It could be of your favourite landmark, artist, vehicle; the list goes on.

Memories are the central theme of Corners, because similar to how determination works in the narrative of Toby Fox’s ‘Undertale’, an RPG game, I believe that memories are the driver behind the writing of articles, the capturing of shots and even habitual actions like riding on a train or walking in the street. This begs the question of whether the content and even memories will become academic, and personally I think it would be nice (if I have the time to write).

Nevertheless, memories are meant to be shared with those who truly find sentimental value in them, and I will do my best to produce the content that most, including myself, can relate to.

Reimagine Life

This is the irony of Corners. You are challenged not to stick to them literally but instead encouraged to dive into new ones and discover a new side of life. Let us just say, you can reimagine life from another perspective.

Ultimately, the choice is yours.

What Posts Will (And Will Not) Be Shown

While writing this introductory post, I already had a lot of ideas floating around in relation to the topics I brought up in ‘Find Yours’ that I really want to share. Posts will be put up every week so that I can have the time to research and write about them while juggling other commitments. In order to make them as diverse as possible, this is the order in which they will be released.

Week 1: Photography. Sharing of photos I have recently taken or archived from years ago. I might do a few commentaries and thought-sharing behind some of the photos I took, which I can choose from probably more than 15,000 of them.

Week 2: Transport; mostly about trains and buses. The nature of most of the posts are experiential and informal, but I could throw in a few of essay-style posts every now and then.

Week 3: KPop. Mainly focused on Top 10 rankings and commentaries about group/solo comebacks.

Week 4/5: ‘Free Space’ week. I would use this as a break or maybe a personal sharing week for announcements.

As to why it has taken me so long to release this schedule, I admit that my ambitious attempt to recreate ‘Corners’ in a certain website-making platform did not turn out well. It is at this point I want to thank Medium (disclaimer: I am not sponsored) for creating the platform needed for me to focus on writing and sharing memories instead of having to deal with administrative website management and design.

Also, Corners is NOT going to show or discuss certain topics. These include:

  • Personal photos with friends or family (unless they give prior consent, which I will indicate in the post).
  • Politics. If you are someone hoping to get those opinions from me, I am sorry to disappoint you. You are going to see neutral stands from every article (unless they talk about my personal preferences like favourite photos and KPop celebrities).
  • Profanities. Of course, this goes without saying. In-line with the professional-like structure of the blog, they will not be tolerated.

Final Thoughts And Welcome

Once again, if you have read up to this point and are eager to see a new perspective on these topics I mentioned, thank you.

You can also get more updates from my new Facebook Page:

As the website continues being set up, I will also add new social media pages to showcase links to the content I put up. I encourage you to share Corners with your friends and family if you find great joy in reading about and viewing topics like (but not limited to) photography, transport and KPop.



Samuel Mok
Corners | By @smoktephoto

Photographer, Transport Geek and KPop Fan. Creator of Corners.