Here Are 5 Technology Trends For 2021

With trends from the top tech trend Gartner report

Richard Fang
CornerTech and Marketing


Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Every year we have seen developments in technology at accelerating rates. For 2020, we saw disruption as a trademark with all industries impacted across the board.

Although each organization will anticipate change every year, 2020 brought a new challenge with Covid-19, bringing impact no company would have predicted.

As organizations have responded in various ways throughout the year, we have seen a shift in how technology has influenced consumers and businesses. As we head into 2021, we have seen tech trends fall into a few categories.

According to Gartner’s top tech trend report, these include:

  • People-centricity: Even with the pandemic, people are still the core focus of everything. Many companies focused on a people-first mentality, helping those in need.
  • Resilient delivery: Even with volatile conditions, businesses and consumers still deliver through new ways such as through robotics.
  • Location independence: How businesses and customers operate have changed from remote working to how suppliers work. Technology has supported this trend in a variety of ways.

