Predicting The Next Billion-Dollar Startups Of 2021

For reference, this means the startup will hit the ‘unicorn’ status

Richard Fang
CornerTech and Marketing



It’s often naive to look at a startup’s valuation as a measure of success. After all, there are many stories of startups creating unrealistic ‘fake’ value for their product (e.g., Theranos).

However, looking at all the unicorns in the market, most of them have reached their valuation from finding product-market-fit for their product. Each startup has had a unique way of growing from bootstrapping to VC funding and some even through crowdfunding.

Many of these entrepreneurs never focused on becoming a unicorn but rather solving an actual real-world problem. After all, that shouldn’t be the reason why you become an entrepreneur in the first place.

However, it is exciting to forecast what startups are about to hit this status, especially with all the turmoil that has happened in 2020. It is still a huge achievement for any startup and should still be celebrated. In this list, I look at the five ‘almost’ unicorns that will most likely hit the status in 2021.

1. Acorns

