Submission Guideline For CornerTech and Marketing

Edited for 3/04/2023

Richard Fang
CornerTech and Marketing


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash


You might be a returning writer or brand new. If you want to get started with writing any of the topics below, simply message me on Twitter and I’ll get back to you. Just provide me your Medium profile in your message :)

Topics we like to cover are listed below:

  • Marketing
  • User Experience
  • Design
  • Growth
  • Startups and Tech
  • Anything else that fits!

In order for your work to be accepted, here are some things you should follow:

1. Grammar

I understand there may be many writers who did not speak English as their first language.

My first recommendation is to run your article through something like Grammarly.

The less we have to edit, the more likely I can accept your article or publish it.

2. Formatting

The things I’ve noticed are people are submitting long titles and long paragraphs of text.

What I’d recommend first is to format your title correctly.

