What Marketing Is Needed For Deep Tech Companies?

And how much for?

Benjamin Daix
CornerTech and Marketing


Photo de ThisIsEngineering provenant de Pexels

Each startup company should have a different approach to marketing, which will depend on its field and its product maturity. Regarding deep tech startups, a radically different target to address makes it a very specific category.

1/ Why is being a deep tech startup different in terms of marketing?

Due to your product nature — Selling the future

As a deep tech startup, it is common for one to start a pre-sale campaign for a product either unfinished, yet unscalable, not demonstrable (in a lab) or developed with still unclear patent property. Whatever the reason, you can’t start your advertising campaign as if you were to sell an app or a bag. You are marketing a proof of concept, it can be intangible.

Due to heterogeneity of targets — Everyone needs to get on board

You will need to develop radically different communication, depending on who you talk to, containing several layers of vulgarization. You also need to be careful about what information you reveal since we are not talking about “ideas”, but advanced technology and processes.

Scientific and business communities have to be sold on the idea, but also you need to provide the…



Benjamin Daix
CornerTech and Marketing

French Marketer specialised in tech and IoT / Based in Warsaw (PL) / dxm-agency.com