We’re all in this together, so join us in flipping the bird to the pandemic with your music, humor, stories and solutions.

Lon Shapiro


An online concert that will continue for as long as we are on lockdown? It’s like Woodstock with bathrooms!

Let’s start off by answering a few questions.

What is Coronapalooza?

After reading some great song parodies about COVID-19 by Mike Range, Mark Starlin, Bonnie Barton, and Joe Váradi, I felt like I was watching a virtual music festival and the name popped in my head. I imagined a non-stop Zoom meeting for all the writers here to exchange coronavirus-related stories.

Why should I write for Coronapalooza?

The best stories about our lives during this time are sprinkled in every corner of the internet. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a time capsule of our best work all in one publication?

How can I submit to Coronapalooza?

If you are one of the 50 or so people who appear on the masthead of this new publication, you got the call because you have entertained me, been entertained by me, or both.

And no good deed goes unpunished — You’re already listed as a writer.

What are the submission rules?



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design https://guttmanshapiro.com. Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time