Give Yourself a High Five If You’re Reading This

Amy Wang
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2020

“We are living in unprecedented times…’’ If only I get a penny for every time I see these words in an article. Is it overused or a cliche? How I wish that’s the truth but it is anything but. The reality is we ARE living in unprecedented times. If you’re reading this right now, give yourself a high five for it means that you’re educated and have access to the Internet. You also probably have a roof over your head, electricity, clean water supply and food to eat. You’re alive and healthy right now, and for that I am grateful.

As the Corona virus continues to spread, 27 countries to date are putting their citizens in some forms of lock down to slow down the infection spread. When China first reported cases in Wuhan, not many countries had the foresight to make full use of the lead time given. Those that didn’t, are currently suffering the brunt of the lack of epidemic preparedness and outbreak response. According to a WHO infectious disease expert, countries on lock down should take a leaf out of Singapore’s playbook. Some of the measures outlined include isolating and quarantining cases, contact tracing, temperature checks, enacting business continuity plans and maintaining social distance.

A lock down merely serves to buy us time in the race of disease containment. It is the systems and measures that we put in place as we ease ourselves out of lock down that’s going to make or break our economy in times of recession. As country leaders, policy makers and the frontliners race against time to preserve our countries, you might wonder what can you do to ease the cogs of the running wheels. It is imperative to remember that everyone has a role to play in this society, be it big or small.

I am grateful and blessed that all I need to contribute in this war against the pandemic is to stay safe in the comforts of my own home. Dilemma about what to eat for my next meal or jump on the bandwagon of trying out new Cov-EAT recipes like Dalgona coffee or omelette souffle seems trivial when our frontliners are sacrificing their lives out there keeping the collective society running.

I wanted to help contribute in any way I can and when I came across Corona Tracker, a verified platform powered by a team of more than 500 global volunteers dedicating their time and energy to provide verified information and updates, that I know that THIS is how I can add value to the society in my own little way. I’m not a freelance writer nor have I published anything before but I hope that if you are reading this out there, that you may find some comfort in the words I weave, born out of the thoughts of my occasional frazzled mind in times of adversity.

Fortunately, not all is doom and gloom as this forced reset is benefiting mother nature with less carbon emissions in the atmosphere. The skies are blue again and the birds are chirping. It’s nice that mother nature gets a little reprieve after the toll we put her through.

The question is, as we adjust to this new normal, what are the things worth returning to when this is all over? As we ponder over that with the extra time we have on hand, in the interim we can continue to bring little pockets of joy to our community, to add value as, and when we can.

Sometimes, it’s the little things that tugs at the heart strings. The smile of your food delivery driver when you offer him/her a drink out of your set meals, when you hold the door open for a neighbour carrying groceries or offering to help your elderly neighbours to buy groceries when you buy yours. These little things matter. We may not be out there saving lives or helping to keep the society running, but we can help each other. We CAN choose kindness and it is through our collective empathy and responsibility that will tide us over this storm.

As you ponder over what to eat for your next meal, add one more to the bucket. What can you do today to bring a smile to another and while you’re at it, give yourself another high five. I know I am giving you one over the Internet.

Stay Safe and Stay Home. Together, we will prevail.



Amy Wang

A healthy-ish foodie. Yes, it’s an oxymoron but hey I’m one to push boundaries ;) Content curator at