Coronavirus SF: April 15, 2021 — Appointment Games

Xian Ke
Coronavirus in San Francisco
2 min readApr 15, 2021

Hello coronavirus-sf subscribers!

Greetings from the Washington, DC area. What a difference 3 months can make! In software engineering, there’s a sense of progress when we encounter new bugs and different problems; at least we’re not totally stuck on the exact same problems! It’s similar with the Covid vaccinations. Now that everyone age 16+ is eligible in California, the problem becomes finding available appointments. Here’s a page with some helpful info: People have also had success booking slots shown through these notifications: Feel free to message me if you’re stuck!

I’m flying back to SF later today. It looks like the vaccines have finally helped SF “flatten the curve.” 😅 Basically, stats look good. On my second visit to the Moscone Center earlier this month, I noticed that small adjustments sped up the on-site vaccination lines. My second dose experience was 2X faster than the first dose! And I never felt incapacitated by the vaccine. As of today, 59% of SF residents have gotten at least one vaccine dose, and 38% have gotten both doses ( Israel, which leads vaccinations globally, has 61% of residents with at least one dose (

Even after vaccinations, some of the more introverted among us aren’t looking to immediately attend wild parties every night. For those who’ve been holding off on air travel, know that I would’ve flown across the country for my dad’s birthday even without having gotten the vaccine myself. My parents are vaccinated! The mRNA vaccines start kicking in within 2 weeks of the first dose, though reach full effectiveness 2 weeks after the *second* dose ( A gradual progression!

Later this year, I plan to retire this pandemic-era newsletter. It’d be great to meet some of you in SF, perhaps this summer after more vaccinations! 😎In other news, I’ve been getting up-to-speed on climate change, which has the potential to affect the globe even more than this pandemic. Here’s a referral link to a free site I’ve been using to help track/reduce my home’s energy use: (the site is offering $25 for Californians who sign up and connect their electricity accounts before April 30, and my account gets a referral bonus too; thanks venture capitalists ;)).

Happy appointment hunting! 🍀

— Xian

Originally published at

