Coronavirus SF: March 16, 2020 Update

Xian Ke
Coronavirus in San Francisco
1 min readApr 5, 2020

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You probably already know that San Francisco Bay Area is moving toward a lockdown to minimize unnecessary deaths from the coronavirus (SF Chronicle). I watched SF Mayor Breed’s press conference today, and think she’s right that we’re currently “ahead of the curve” (more proactive) than the rest of the country. I started following coronavirus news in January when Shanghai Disneyland closed. The enforced lockdowns in China helped avert a much bigger disaster, and contained the virus within 2 months.

Current charts show that cases in SF city have a small taper. However, I think there are still too few data points to know whether we’re trending toward containment. San Mateo and Santa Clara counties are showing a greater number of cases, and growth rates of over 20% day-over-day (lower is better here!). Alameda county has relatively few cases (15) but case count grew by 50%.

Yesterday, I told my parents (in DC area) to not go outside and to use food/grocery delivery instead. Since Saturday, I’ve had various meetings and calls, but had not stepped outside my apt building. Overcautious? Perhaps. But I also wanted to be prepared for what might be more extreme measures to come across the country.

Stay safe, everyone!!!

— Xian

Originally published at

