Ritvik Ramakrishnan

Executive Director
Managing Director of Outreach
Podcast Host @ CVP

Norah Rami
Coronavirus Visualization Team
1 min readJul 16, 2020


Ritvik Ramakrishnan is an incoming freshman at the Georgia Institute of Technology where he will study Computer Science as a Stamps President’s Scholar. Joining CVT during its initial launch, he is currently the Managing Director of CVT’s Outreach department. Ritvik has also spearheaded various initiatives for the Coronavirus Visualization Community, and we are excited to welcome him as our future CVP Podcast Host.

Why are you in CVT?

I’m in CVT because I am extremely passionate about the intersection of business and technology and strongly believe that living in a data-driven society will accelerate social and economical growth.

What are you learning in CVT?

I’m learning how to visualize data using sentiment analysis while simultaneously gaining skills in cold outreach.

What does creating clear and meaningful content mean to you?

Creating clear and meaningful content to me means being able to simplify information in such a way where a story can easily be told and people of all types and backgrounds can understand.

You can reach Ritvik at ritvik@understandcovid.org or ritvik.ramakrishnan@gmail.com

