Ashley Steis: A-1 Electric Logo

Corporate Identity, Fall 2018

Ashley Steis
Corporate Identity
8 min readSep 27, 2018



Final Square Logo:

Final Circle Logo:


Circular Logos:

Square Logos:


Namestorming Process:

1) Literal Concepts

Electricity, Light bulbs, Wire, Professional, Established, Light, Trust, Hardworking, Hardwork, Reliable, Power, Active, Blackout, Power Outage, Charge, Current, Energy, Battery, Flow, Fuse, Input, Impulse, Jolt, Shock, Live, Positive, Negative, Neutral, Short, Surge, Wireless, Grid, Wattage, Trained, Craftsman, Qualified, Accomplished, Experience, Reputable, Respected, Contractor

2) Figurative Concepts

  • Electricity– spark, illumination, light, connections, wattage, grid
  • Light bulbs — ideas, lamp, ding!, glass
  • Wire — thin, barbed, malleable, transportation, conductive, live wire, wireless
  • Professional– affluent, yuppie, white-collar, mastered, qualifed
  • Established– create, strength, built, trained, accomplished
  • Light — bright, enlighten, blinding, beam
  • Trust — faith, entrust, confide, reliance
  • Hardwork — motivation, workaholic, work ethic, discipline
  • Reliable — authentic, tried and true, consistent, dependable
  • Power — energy, influence, force, skill
  • Active — nimble, operational, dynamic, energetic, involved
  • Power Outage -city-wide, totality, engulfed in darkness, blackout
  • Charge — money, electric, recharge, rush, shock, jolt, tax
  • Current — rapid, swift, flow, stream
  • Energy — heat, as much energy as a child, heat, renewable
  • Battery — positive/negative, neutral,
  • Fuse — don’t blow a fuse, circuit, breaker, meld, blend
  • Input — information, signal
  • Impulse — reflex, urge, pulse, motivation, push
  • Live — on, animate, charged
  • Short — abrupt, end, clipped, forceful, unforeseen, short-term
  • Surge — rise, inflate, skyrocket, maximize
  • Craftsman– artisan, crafter, restorer
  • Contractor– builder, developer, maintenance, hired

3) Thesaurus

  • Electricity– stir, physical phenomenon, electric, electrical energy, electrify
  • Wire — thread, string, draw, ligament, equip, outfit, fit out, fit, conducting wire, telegraph, cable, finish line, secure, fix, fasten
  • Professional– nonrecreational, paid, professed, pro, master, white-collar
  • Established– proved, proven, conventional, naturalized, constituted, effected, accomplished
  • Light — lightly, illume, illumine, illuminate, light up, fire up, perch, alight, ignite, fall, dismount, get down, get off, unhorse, undemanding, thin, unimportant, insignificant, frivolous, light-duty, floaty, low-density, buoyant, lighter than air, airy, lightweight, fooling, casual, sunlit, sunstruck, floodlit, livid, lamplit, incandescent, bright, inflamed, ablaze, luminescent, candent, calorie-free, short, scant, faint, weak, loose, clear, clean, sparkle, spark, brainwave
  • Trust — faith, confidence, holding, property, belongings, reliance, trustingness, trustfulness, cartel, combine
  • Hardwork — handcraft, handiwork
  • Reliable — authentic, dependable, honest, true
  • Power — ply, provide, supply, cater, powerfulness, mightiness, index, exponent, force, mogul, executive, tycoon, baron, office, ability
  • Active — mortal, individual, person, somebody, soul, progressive, eruptive, live, alive, dynamic, activated, busy, brisk, open, springy, bustling, going, about, agile, nimble, quick, sporty, spry, athletic, on the go, overactive, lively
  • Charge — instruct, rouse, blame, excite, determine, agitate, lie, set, pay, saturate, claim, furnish, render, change, modify, alter, provide, supply, commit
  • Current — contemporary, live, occurrent, modern, topical, up to the minute, new, incumbent, latest, on-going, actual, up to date, circulating, online, underway, afoot
  • Fuse — primer, flux, mix, merge, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, conflate, immix, meld, liquify, heat, melt, run, fit, equip, outfit
  • Input — stimulation, comment, remark, component, element, enter, introduce, insert, infix
  • Impulse — caprice, whim, momentum, urge, impulsion, pulsation, pulse, nervous
  • Live — dwell, inhabit, populate, experience, know, subsist, be, exist, survive, endure, last, go, current, resilient, bouncy, lively, springy, loaded, reverberant, active
  • Short — parcel, track, curtly, suddenly, abruptly, stubby, fleeting, momentary, clipped, short and sweet, brief, curtal, snub, fugitive, brief
  • Surge — rush, spate, better, improve, meliorate, scend, tide, zoom, soar, billow, heave, ameliorate
  • Craftsman– artisan, artificer, crafter, professional
  • Contractor– contructor, builder, declarer, party

I skipped the fourth step, because I didn’t think that I had any words that I could list multiple different variations of.

Phrases and Sayings

Let there be light, blinded by the light, bring something to light, light my fire, city of lights, absolute power, amped up, energy to burn, in for a shock, invest with power, knowledge of power, power corrupts, power to the people, shell shock, shock and awe, take charge, the power to be your best, the power of your dreams, the power and the glory, unleash the power of the sun, with great power comes great responsibility

A live wire, come down to the wire, get ones wires crossed, hold the wire, high-wire, wire up, hot wire, wire in, wire together, cross the wire, end of the wire, haywire, lay it on the wire

Brain trust, I wouldn’t trust them farther than I could throw them, misplace trust, take on trust, tried and trusted, restore trust, place trust, trust is always earned, never given, trust but verify, nothing will work unless you do

Blow a fuse, a short fuse, be on a short fuse, light the fuse, join forces, join the dots

A live one, alive and kicking, live life in the fast lane, live and learn, live and breathe, live for the moment, live by wits, live it up, live up to, living the dreams

Mix and Match

Illuminating Pittsburgh and All of Western PA

Lighting the way for Pittsburgh and All of Western Pa

Lighting Life for Pittsburgh and All of Western Pa

Lighting the Way Home for All of Pittsburgh and Western Pa

The Live Wire of Western Pa

Illuminating Memories for all of Pittsburgh and Western Pa

Making Pittsburgh the City of Lights

Let Us Light the Way Home

Let Us Light your Life

Trust Us to Illuminate your Life

Live the Pittsburgh Dream, Let us Illuminate it

Live the Dream, Trust us to keep it Illuminated

Let Us Provide the Power for you to be your best

Trust us to provide the power for Pittsburgh and Western Pa

Don’t let it come down to the wire, call A1 Electric Inc

We Bring Power to the People

We Bring Power to the People of Pittsburgh and Western Pa

Don’t Misplace your trust, rely on the tried and true A1 Electric Inc.

Bringing Light to your Life

Bringing Light into your Life


Refinement of Logo:

These are the different variations and refinements to the final logo form. I took the upper left hand corner logo and started to add angles to the serifs and tried to play with space a little more to keep the viewer’s eye shifting.

After that I took one of the forms and started to play with adding color to the piece.

After this I wrote out A1 ELECTRIC and made a list of a it in a bunch of different fonts and compared them to the large logo to see which fonts contrasted the best with it. I mainly choose thinner, sans serif fonts to provide the contrast against the bold sans serif used in the logo.

I then took the logo and placed these different typefaces with the logo in different ways to see how they interact together when the “A1” is larger than the type.

After experimenting with the “A1” being the larger point of the logo, I started experimenting with making the “A1 ELECTRIC” larger than the “A1” to see different ways in which this type could interact with each other on different scales.


More Digital Reworks:

I took the letter forms that we worked with in class and I continued to work on combining the A and the 1 together in different ways and styles. Each group presents a different feel and look because each othe letter forms are so different.


Digital Sketches:

Original Sketches

Revised Digital Sketches:

I still haven’t strayed very far from my original ideas, but I think that from my new ideas I really like the first five on the last row of photos. The negative space within the A keeps your eye moving.

