Creating a Logo ‘Signature’

Brigette Davitt
Corporate Identity
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2017

What is a SIGNATURE?
A signature, in regards to identity design, is a structured relationship between a logotype, brand mark, and tag line. Numerous signature variations can be created depending on application needs, such as separating the brand mark and logotype or creating vertical or horizontal layouts for particular application solutions. These all become part of the brand elements, which are laid out with rules in a style guide for in-house designers and corporate employees to follow.

Example signatures in a vertical and horizontal lock ups.


The tagline, also called a strap line or slogan, is a short, succinct phrase, catch phrase or end statement that embodies the brand by establishing something memorable, particular and clear.

Attributes of Successful Tag lines:

Longevity — does it stand the test of time?
Ex: The New York Times’ “All the News that’s fit to Print”

Portability/Memorability — does it have an impact on our culture, media or language? Is it easy to recite? Does it sound conversational (not like a sales pitch) Ex: “Got Milk?”

Equity — has it become synonymous with the brand/ product? Is it relevant and aligned with audience lexicon?

Originality — has it done something different to stand out from the crowd? Has it broken new ground in the industry?

Writing a Tag Line

Answer the following questions:
• What does the company want to say to their audience?
• What value does the company bring to their audience?
• What benefits do they offer above the competitors?
• How are they different from the others in their field?

The way in which elements are arranged (brand mark, logo type and tagline) in a signature is called a lock up. The lock up refers to the idea that the proportions, spacing and placement of each element is ‘locked’ into place and cannot change even slightly. A lock up is a foundation of cohesive brand messaging — adhering to set guidelines results in appropriate and consistent usage across a variety of applications.

Signatures utilizing typographic style, scale, placement and color to create hierarchy.
Example Signatures
Example of a Master Brand and Brand Extensions with Lock Ups

Master Brand and Brand Extensions
Virgin is one of the most well-recognized and extensive international companies. Do their umbrella brands have a successful balance of cohesion and variety? By studying each individual brand extension, can you start to group them into flat vs. skeuomorphic stylizations? Does this potentially communicate anything about brand history?

Virgin Records master brand (1979) and brand extensions through the years

The Importance of CLEAR SPACE
When creating a lock up, the space between and around elements is just as important as the elements themselves. Notice the extended dotted lines and x’s in the example above. These communicate the clear space or area of isolation that should not be interrupted by any other elements when applying the logo to both print and screen.

Clear Space can be defined by elements within the signature, or by set measurements or percentages based on scale.

Finalizing Your Logos
Currently, your museum and A1 logos consist of either a brand mark and logotype or logotype only. Moving forward with your designs, you will:

  • Develop a tagline for A1 and apply it to your final logo signature
  • Create one final lock up for the Museum logo utilizing your existing elements
  • Create two final lock ups for the A1 logo —one circular and one square
  • Set assigned spacing between elements and clear space around each signature for both the museum and A1logos

Please begin developing your final A1 tagline now—this content is an important component to the signature and must be approved before the lock up can be finalized! (I’m waiting to hear back from Scott regarding your great ideas!)

DUE 10/24:
• FINAL A1Logo:
b&w and color versions, both printed on separate 8.5x11 sheets at 1" and 3" in size. Include a color version printed separately at 3" on an 8.5"x11" sheet with signature lock up spacing/clear space specifications.
Include the following information 1.5" up from the bottom of each sheet, set on one line, size: 9pt, tracking: 50, all caps and centered:
*also save file as PDF and email it to me, and post to Medium

Examples: Color 4" Lock Up with Spacing, Color 4" and 1", B&W 4" and 1"
  • Museum Logo: Revised Final B&W Logo(s), choose one and create 20 color trials. Please print your B&W logo on an 8.5x11 sheet at 1" and 3" in size, and your 20 color trials printed 4 per 8.5x11 sheet (5 sheets total).
    List of 10 possible museum tag lines to choose from (if a tag line exists you may include it as one of your final 10 choices).
    *also save file as PDF and email it to me, and post to Medium

