Music Festival Identity + Collateral

Brigette Davitt
Corporate Identity
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2018

Brigette Davitt, Corporate Identity

Design a logo/signature/tag line for a music festival created completely by you — you choose the genre, line up, location and dates!

Start by researching existing music festivals — identity three that you feel have a unique, successful and well designed branding system and analyze their campaigns. Include images of the logo in whatever various forms it’s been used, collateral materials, merchandise, tickets, VIP passes, environmental signage, websites, advertising/commercials etc.

Answer the following questions:
Festival Details: name, date(s), location, music genre, lineup
Demographic: who are the majority of people that attended this event? Age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, income level, family size, occupation, education level and marital status are all potential factors in determining demographics.
Branding System: Evaluate the logo/signature/tagline for each festival. Is it image based, type-based or a combination? What makes is unique? What is the conceptual relations ship of the logo to the music genre? How doe sit appeal to the target demographic?
Style: What is the visual ‘look’ of the brand? What style is it designed in? Does it appropriate an existing style or informed by art/design history? How does it relate to the genre and/or location of the festival?
Typography: How many typefaces can you identify (use whatthefont). What is the classification of each font used and how does this relate to the festival?. Is there cohesion /unity? Variation in scale (point size) and/or style (bold, italics, uc vs. lc, etc.)?
Color Palette
: How is color utilized in the logo and branding? Are the colors limited (3 or less) or full (CMYK/photographic/continuous tone). Are there b&W and color applications?
Collateral Materials: Create a comprehensive list of all other materials you are able to research/identify (both print and digital) associated with the festival. They may or may not feel aligned with the brand — list them all regardless! Analyze each one in relationship to the overall brand. Is there cohesion/consistency? Are there branding assets utilized that support and expand the visual language of the brand that allow for variation and added interest?


Along with the logo/branding you will design a series of physical collateral materials (ex: unique bag, water bottle, shirt, VIP pass) and digital website mock up (home page, line up, calendar of events, and interactive map). You may also create a poster advertising the festival (print or digital/motion poster).

Cost is not a parameter to be concerned about. Be inventive with structural design, graphics, materials, etc.


Primary: To establish an identity that communicates the tone of the festival effectively.

Secondary: To diversify the branding across a line of products, which physically have little in common. Devise a system which can do this. Is it color, visuals and/or supporting graphics?

Tertiary: To design around a topic you are passionate about-music!


NO COLOR, FORMAT, MATERIALS or VISUALS SPECIFIED — it’s all up to you!!!!!!!!

*WORK GENERAL TO SPECIFIC Don’t fuss about the details in the beginning stages, start by building the overall look/tone — as we move forward with each aspect we will be revising, revising, revising and you can apply your changes to each new element as we go!

