Alpine Building Maintenance Discusses the Benefits of Green Cleaning Products

Going green is a rallying call that brings together environmentalists and the eco-conscious to take steps that help protect and sustain the environment. However, many individuals are unaware that they can also make sustainable choices when it comes to their cleaning products. As most products are chock-full of harmful and corrosive materials, it makes sense to explore environmentally friendly alternatives.

Alpine Building Maintenance is one of the largest facility maintenance companies in Canada. With 37 years of experience and over 1500 employees spread across Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Toronto, the company was built on the simple values of hard work, dedication, quality workmanship, and open communication. In this article, they share some of the benefits of using eco-friendly supplies, whether for your home, in your job, or your commercial facility.

Healthier Living Environment

While conventional cleaning supplies claim to eliminate germs and bacteria, they also have the potential to deposit harmful chemicals in your living space. Countertop cleaning products for example, often leave a toxic residue that can end up on your hands and in your food. Products vary in the type of health hazard that they pose; however, some acute or long-term effects include:

- Respiratory irritation

- Itchy/ watery eyes

- Chemical burns

- Nausea and fatigue

- Headaches and dizziness

- Difficulty breathing

Alpine Building Maintenance states that corrosive drain and oven cleaners are known to cause severe burns to the eyes and skin. Likewise, if ingested can lead to extensive damage to the throat and esophagus. Ultimately, switching to a non-conventional alternative will ensure no carcinogens or neurotoxins come in contact with yourself or a family member.

Reduced Antibacterial Agents

Marketing efforts would have us believe that antibacterial cleaners are the only way to eliminate germs. However, according to the United States Food and Drug Administration, there is currently no scientific evidence to show that over the counter (OTC) bacterial soaps, are any less effective at preventing illness than regular soap and water. Many liquid antibacterial soaps contain triclosan, which has been linked to a weakened immune system and the development of antibiotic-resistant germs. Ecofriendly alternatives are often comprised of all-natural ingredients and therefore nontoxic and completely safe to use.

Improved Air Quality

Most common top-shelf cleaners contain harsh chemicals that release noxious fumes when in use. Such fumes can lead to conditions like chronic asthma as well as eye and throat irritation.

Recent statistics also show that Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are found in many commercial cleaning products such as disinfectants. VOCs are emitted as gases, and depending on the level of exposure, can have immediate adverse health effects including visual disorders and memory impairment.

Green cleaning products, on the other hand, use mild ingredients that have no such effect. In any case, they often release pleasant and relaxing smells that soothe the senses.

In Summary

Green cleaning products are still a growing industry. As more individuals realize the harmful nature of conventional cleaning products, they are actively seeking out green alternatives. Many green products are made using sustainable practices, alongside biodegradable ingredients. With so many manufacturers actively engaging in social responsibility, it is important to perform extensive research on the products you purchase, to avoid any adverse health effects.



Alpine Building Maintenance
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Alpine is a national facility cleaning and maintenance service provider focused on serving customers with premium cleaning solutions. Delta, British Columbia.