Genymotion and VirtualBox install issue

Corrado Cavalli
Corrado Cavalli
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2016

I use Genymotion as Android emulator for my Xamarin work, I know that there are better alternatives like Microsoft’s Android emulator but since can’t turn on Hyper-V on my machine this is the solution that works best for me.

Haven’t done any Android development recently so since I need to prepare some demos for my forthcoming session at Future Decoded I checked my system and discovered that Android emulator wasn’t working anymore as happened in the past. Checked the logs but nothing evident was listed apart some in influent login error, I then tried to run VirtualBox alone and noted that it was not starting at all, no error nor messages, just nothing was happening.

Ok, let’s reinstall Genymotion to latest version, maybe recent Windows 10 Anniversay update broke something, did that, no errors but, nothing changed, ok, let’s try installing VirtualBox alone from Oracle site and BOOM! got a weird error message about an adapter not being created because it was not possible to rename it (WHAAAT?)

Fired up a search engine looking for solutions and found thousands of thread starting from 2010, some of them even suggesting to repave the entire machine, luckily among this tons of documentation my attention got catched by a guy that claimed to have solved using this steps:

  1. 1-Go to
C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\drivers\network

3-Go to Network Connections, right click the Ethernet adapter associated with VirtualBox and select Properties


4-On the network properties panel, click Install and select Services


5-Now select the Oracle’s VirtualBox driver and select OK


6-Be sure that VirtualBox NDIS driver is selected.


7-Complete Genymotion install, if not already done, otherwise, just download a device and runt it, if it is your lucky day, it should work.

You can read the original answer here, it also worked for me of course.

…and after this annoying procedure you can go back coding in relax.





Corrado Cavalli
Corrado Cavalli

Senior Sofware Engineer at Microsoft, former Xamarin/Microsoft MVP mad about technology. MTB & Ski mountaineering addicted.