Hillary Clinton:
Protecting The Environment

“For this generation of Americans, climate change is our Space Race. It is our home-front mobilization during World War II and it is our response to the Great Depression. According to studies, the negative economic consequences of climate change will affect every part of our country, virtually every sector of our economy, and strain our local governments, cost jobs, and extract a horrific human toll.”

Hillary Clinton remarks, Council on Foreign Relations, 11/5/07

Secretary of State

Secretary Clinton appointed the first Special Envoy on climate change. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton named the first State Department Special Envoy on climate change. The appointment sent “an unequivocal message that the United States will be energetic, focused, strategic and serious” in addressing climate change. The Special Envoy would be “a lead participant” in the development of climate and clean energy policy.

Secretary Clinton launched the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas. In 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton launched the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) to fill “a critical niche” on climate and energy issues. Over the following two years, the United States and other governments “cooperated on 40 ongoing and completed ECPA initiatives.” These initiatives addressed sustainable energy in the Caribbean; energy security in Central America; advancing sustainable biomass energy; working with the Peace Corps to advance renewable energy; having American scientists consult with governments on energy programs and education; and promoting use of shale gas. Both the State Department and USAID partnered with countries and organizations like NASA to address energy and environmental concerns.

Secretary Clinton promoted the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves to reduce pollution and improve health. Secretary Clinton announced the creation of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a “public-private partnership… that will work toward the goal of 100 million homes adopting new clean stoves and fuels by 2020.” Smoke from dirty cookstoves “contains greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane” and contributes to climate change. Secretary Clinton wanted to reduce the millions of deaths each year from breathing “black carbon soot” coming from dirty cookstoves, cars, and the burning of waste. The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves helped slow down environmental degradation from “cutting down of trees and using charcoal for fuel for cooking.”

Secretary Clinton launched 11 EcoPartnerships with China. Under Secretary Clinton, the State Department had 11 EcoPartnership agreements with China. The partnerships shared best practices on “preventing air pollution, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, protecting water resources, developing technology for electric vehicles, increasing energy efficiency, and safeguarding natural habitats.” Through the EcoPartnerships, American state, local, and private sector organizations developed “mutually beneficial” solutions to promote energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability in both countries.


Senator Clinton fought to preserve America’s natural heritage and environmental quality for the next generation. Hillary Clinton worked with her fellow Senators to protect and preserve some of America’s greatest natural treasures. Clinton joined with Chuck Schumer on legislation calling for the study and potential creation of a national heritage area surrounding Niagara Falls. Following the 2005 release of the study, the Niagara Falls National Heritage Area was officially designated in 2008. Clinton also worked with Carl Levin to safeguard wildlife and promote sound water management in the Great Lakes region.

Senator Clinton helped start clean energy job-training and promoted energy efficiency in federal buildings. Hillary Clinton worked with Democrats and Republicans alike to promote energy efficient federal buildings and create job-training programs in clean energy. Clinton joined with Bernie Sanders to create job-training programs in solar panel manufacturing and other energy-efficient industries. Clinton also worked with Jim Inhofe (a noted climate change skeptic) to expand the use of geothermal energy in federal buildings.

Senator Clinton stood up to polluters and fought to promote cleaner energy. Hillary Clinton twice introduced bills to eliminate tax breaks for oil companies and prioritize investment in cleaner energy. She cosponsored multiple pieces of cap-and-trade legislation. She also signed onto legislation to reduce the worst air pollutants from power plants.

Originally published at correctrecord.org.



Correct The Record
Correct The Record — Record Analyses

Correct The Record is a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks.