Hillary Clinton: Smart Energy Innovation

“So to those who doubt the science of climate change and who lack faith in American innovation, just tell them, look at the record and look at what’s already happening across the United States. Thanks to smart federal and state policies, academic research, private sector innovation, and the crucial work of groups like LCV, we are already advancing clean energy solutions that can begin turning this tide and can make America the clean energy superpower for the 21st century. We have the opportunity to invest in the infrastructure of the future resilient enough to withstand the effects of climate change we won’t be able to avoid, including next-generation power plants to produce electricity more cleanly, smarter grids to deliver it more effectively, and greener buildings to use it more efficiently.” -Hillary Clinton remarks to the League of Conservation Voters, New York, 12/1/14

Boosting alternative energy power. Hillary Clinton repeatedly voted for legislation that extended the production tax credit for electricity produced from renewable energy sources and she proposed making tax credits for wind and solar production permanent. Hillary also teamed up with Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to create new job-training programs for renewable energy workers.

Fighting for cleaner energy. Hillary Clinton repeatedly cosponsored the Clean Power Act to get power plants to cut back on air pollution that contributes to both global warming and health problems. The 2007 legislation would have increased renewable energy use by launching the goal of generating 20% of our electricity from renewables by the year 2020 — the so-called Renewable Portfolio Standard. Hillary also pledged to support a goal of generating 25% of our electric power from renewable energy sources by 2025.

Using excess oil profits to develop new energy technologies. Hillary Clinton proposed getting big oil companies to reinvest some of their excess profits to help reduce American dependence on oil. These investments — combined with the savings gained by repealing tax breaks for oil companies — could have directed $50 billion into a new Strategic Energy Fund geared towards researching and developing smarter energy technologies like more fuel-efficient cars and trucks, and wind and solar power.

Modernizing buildings to save energy and money. Hillary Clinton worked across the aisle to get the federal government to expand the use of geothermal energy in powering its buildings. She introduced legislation to make federal buildings more energy efficient and she proposed making energy efficiency “a core mission” of the General Services Administration. Hillary also introduced legislation to help states upgrade school buildings to make them more energy efficient.

Getting cleaner vehicles on the road. Hillary Clinton cosponsored the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act to allow more investment in technologies to reduce pollution from diesel-powered trucks and other modes of transportation. She procured funding for the creation of hydrogen-powered vehicles. Hillary also passed legislation to reduce air pollution from construction equipment used on highway projects, and she even teamed up with one of the Senate’s climate change deniers to fund cleaner school bus emissions across the nation.

Bringing America’s power grid into the 21stcentury. Hillary Clinton cosponsored the Electric Reliability Act to give the federal government more authority to make America’s power grid more reliable and efficient. She advocated moving more aggressively towards smart grid technology and called for a nationwide net metering standard so that “families and companies that install these new technologies can sell power back to the grid for a fair price all over the country.”

Prioritizing cleaner energy worldwide. Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department joined the Department of Energy and other U.S. government agencies in a regional partnership with countries in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean to promote clean energy development and smarter growth policies. Through this program, the U.S. has collaborated with other countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promoted cleaner energy through the Peace Corps, and connected public and private-sector officials across the hemisphere with renewable energy companies in America.

Getting smarter energy projects off the ground in Africa. Hillary Clinton helped launch a new partnership — the U.S.-Africa Clean Energy Finance Initiative — to jump-start private sector investment in cleaner energy projects and sustainable development across Africa. Funding provided through the initiative sparked wind, solar and hydro-powered projects in several African nations bringing electricity to thousands of homes.

Finding common goals with China to address access to reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy. Hillary Clinton spearheaded U.S. relations with China to enhance cooperation on climate change, energy and the environment. Under bilateral agreements, the U.S. and China established frameworks for increasing access to reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy as well as connecting businesses and government to support energy and environmental goals.

Originally published at correctrecord.org.



Correct The Record
Correct The Record — Record Analyses

Correct The Record is a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks.