An Update On Corsair’s Publishing

A Return And A Pivot

Decision-First AI
Corsair's Business
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2024


Last week, I published our first article on Medium in almost three years.

When I started Corsair’s Publishing, the goal and the business behind it was focus on Data & Analytics education. It was a five year journey with a healthy dose of adventure — but ultimately never delivered on a Product-Market fit. Medium was a great platform at the time for building a following and a brand. No regrets…

When I returned to corporate in 2019, we still hoped that elusive fit would materialize. And when it didn’t — Covid provided the free time required to indulge my writing interests. But by February of 2021, we had exited the business, pulled down the websites, and only Medium remained. Corsair’s Publishing was in hibernation.

This February brings a new adventure — one that is still forming but has a different focus and a different brand.

D-1 (as I have nicknamed it) will be a consulting firm focused on delivering the data (or should I say Dat-ai?) solutions of the future. AI is a set of cheat codes and with the right platforms and processes — it can be delivered for half the price, in half the time, and twice the impact. Our opening efforts in Market Insights, Intelligence Automation, and Single Source Architecture combined with some truly elegant data visualization are sure to change the game.

…and the game is in need of changing

Which brings me back to Corsair’s Publishing. The world is changing. Honestly, it has changed. Analytics processes of the last decade are no longer sufficient for the explosion of data and technology that has happened this century. And, as is often the case, I have a lot to say about that.

That effort is starting here:

It is going to take some time and decisions will need to be made about what we want to do with our Medium platform. At a minimum we will rebrand it, clean up the links and formatting that have decayed over the last few years. We have also removed all of our articles from the premium space here as that model no longer works for what we are trying to do.

That is all for now. The next adventure is sure to rival the last.

Feel free to join us over on Substack — but remember it will be a work in progress for a while longer…

Follow us on LinkedIN (it is a little further along).

Or stay tuned here on Medium— there is more to come…

And as always — thanks for reading!



Decision-First AI
Corsair's Business

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!