Learning Analytics:

Bridging The Data Divide

A New Solution For Training, Learning, and Creating Opportunity

Decision-First AI
Published in
4 min readFeb 4, 2019


For two years my company, Corsair’s Ventures, has been working to bridge the gap between aspiring analysts and the companies they want to support. It has been a difficult and educational journey. The data divide looms largest when you are actually trying to span it.

Two years of trial and error. Two years of experimental design. Two years of partnerships, networking, support and service. Two years of interviews, pitches, forums, and surveys. Two years of design, re-design, and failure. But we always knew that eventually the analytic process would fix the analytic process. It was simply finding the right inspiration, the right model, and the right technology. And, as often the case, the answer was right in front of us all along — we just needed to build the right perspective to see it.

Along the way, I attempted to re-brand the Data Divide. After all:

Everybody has data, most people just don’t know how to use it!

But that was completely wrong! You see the problem truly is:

People don’t have data, only companies do.

You can’t learn analytics without real world data and, until now, you can’t touch real world data without being hired by a company. Of course, the company will only hire you, if you have experience with real world data. It is a marvelous Catch-22. The vortex at the heart of the data divide.

Like many of our predecessors, we tried all the wrong solutions. We thought we could leverage data from partner companies. We thought we could remove the barriers of privacy, security, and risk. We thought with better curriculum, open data sources might be good enough. We tried emphasizing the tangential elements of applied, hands-on and mentored. We even dug into the more practical terminologies of deep analytics and trade craft. All of which are terribly important but secondary. You see:

Nothing is a substitute for real world data.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. — Mike Tyson

Real world data is the great humiliator. It is a humbling, embarrassing, and relentless reality that delivers failure with ease. It shatters strategy and shakes the foundations of theory.

In other words, it is the ultimate training device. It is the perfect tool for learning. And therefore is capable of creating more opportunity for aspiring analysts than any other element of an education in Data Science and Analytics. It is the holy grail — extremely powerful and very elusive.

Real world data defines applied, it creates hands-on, and it makes experienced mentors more valuable than any textbook or curriculum.

This left us with only one question. The analytic process demanded that we format it well. If real world data is the key, then…

How do we deliver real world data to aspiring analysts that allows them to:

  • TRAIN with real world systems, structures, and technologies
  • LEARN the right techniques, tools, and process
  • CREATE the best opportunity to secure a high demand, high paying job in data science and analytics

More questions will follow. Iteration will proceed. But our first step in the process was to answer this question. We have branded that answer TradeCraft.

TradeCraft is completing its alpha this month. It will launch to a small group of beta testers soon. It will become our answer to the question. It will become a bridge, a platform, and a solution for all those seeking to cross the Data Divide. We intend for TradeCraft to revolutionize the analytic space. It starts with how analysts develop entry level experience and knowledge by giving them access to real world data, but the solution offers so much more.

For now, we are looking for volunteers for our beta testing. Use the link below to sign up. Over the next few weeks, many will be invited to help us test, trial, and tinker. All will be added to our growing community of aspiring analysts in the Corsair’s Network. And soon, we hope to open this platform to everyone… although our earliest supporters will always be recognized as new opportunities present themselves.

So come check us out. Sign up to Train, Learn, and Create the opportunity you need to get hired into one of the information age’s most sought after and well compensated careers. The trick has always been getting the experience you need — but now, we are here to help.



Decision-First AI

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!