Your Data Challenges Aren’t Going To Fix Themselves

Data Shouldn’t Be A Point Of Pain, It Should Be A Point Of Advantage

Decision-First AI
Corsair's Business
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2024


You aren’t alone. Your data is messy. Your numbers don’t match. Your leadership team lacks consensus on how to use the data you have or maybe, whether you can use it at all. Your data leader and their team is working harder than ever but it is hard to point to much improvement. Your CTO keeps recommending tools, but either the budget is too tight or, worse, the last upgrade didn’t move the needle.

Prior efforts have shown little promise. Some were just giant wastes of money. Others succumb to a lack of consensus. Or maybe your organization has been completely paralyzed, in which case at least you didn’t waste any money.

Maybe, you had hoped the new data leader was going to fix the issues, but when that didn’t happen immediately — well, they are now part of the problem. Hiring talent with the experience to put everything on the right rails is far more expensive than a simple conductor to keep it there.

“If only there was a product…” — STOP IT! There is no product in the universe that was built to handle your business. “But I am only trying to fix data and everyone has the same…” — NO! Everyone has unique data because it is a reflection of their business. Ok, if your business and business model came out of box — buy a product. Also… how are you still in business?

Products fix small problems. If this problem was small, you would have fixed it by now. But big problems don’t always require big budgets, they do require a service technician. Think of it like getting your car repaired — auto mechanics don’t advertise fancy products. They advertised experience technicians who have seen everything and know how to service your car quickly and efficiently. Data is no different — at least at the stage you currently find yourself.

“But I don’t need consensus to take my car to the shop?” Well, actually, some people do or at least you might if the repairs are substantial? But how are you going to know if you have never asked an experienced expert to assess your situation? With trivial issues, you often just tell them to fix it. But the older something gets — car, house, your health, your business — the more likely you are going to need someone to diagnose the issues and lay out your options. Not a consultant, a technician — someone who will have a hand in fixing them.

A great data service professional should also be able to build the consensus you need — and keep that off your plate. They should be able to do that well below discretionary budget levels, too.

And, while you may be concerned about your existing data leader — you shouldn’t. An outside voice is only going to help them if they are doing their job properly, although if they aren’t… well, you need to learn that fast. Further, if you continue to leverage an outside professional to implement the fixes — it is a great opportunity for your leader to learn from an expert. Hopefully, the next time an issue rises — they will rise to the task.

So what are you waiting for? Your data challenges aren’t going to fix themselves! Hire an expert. Alleviate the pain. Next stop — competitive advantage!



Decision-First AI
Corsair's Business

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!