
Tyler Corsair
Corsair’s Notes
Published in
1 min readJan 31, 2017

silent whispers from time to time,
a gentle caress between her thighs,
to lay besides her every night,
a sleeping beauty in his sight.

melancholy kisses, a calm reprise,
of smiles and moments without compromise,
she closes her eyes, as I close mine,
sweet surrender, valentine.

define a memory in which to hold,
of actions he took, however bold,
to fight for what he wanted for once in his life,
ultimately causing quite a strife.

yet silent whispers from time to time,
a gentle caress as the clock chimes nine,
to lay among what brings you joy,
a sleeping beauty,
always to cherish and enjoy.



Tyler Corsair
Corsair’s Notes

Don't chase dreams, create them. I craft neat services and products sometimes.