The .pepe FAQ!

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Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2023

What is so special about .pepe domains? Nearly endless utility!

Allowlist starts minting on June 5th! Don’t miss out! Join here:

.pepe domains are the thinking-frog’s NFT domain

All the info you need at our link.tree:

Minting site is

Let’s get to it!

Are these domains ENS compatible? Yes! These come with all the benefits of an ENS domain plus much more!

So they resolve in metamask? Yes! will be your crypto address that will resolve in Metamask and you can send and receive tokens, ERC20 coins and anything a normal ENS domain.

Are there renewal fees? No! Because these are normal NFTs, like the art and .jpeg NFTs you know and love. Important point to remember is that because you will always have this domain until you sell, with no renewals, you are not at risk for losing your crypto address.

How do I send ERC-20 tokens and NFTs? Just use and it will resolve in metamask.

What marketplaces will domains be available? Anywhere normal NFTs are available, including Open Sea.

What is the utility of these domains? There’s so much! Let’s review:

  1. Lifetime ownership, no renewals. So your ETH ENS address is also safe from loss!
  2. ENS integration built in, .pepe domains are a superset of ENS. Same utility as ENS, plus a lot more.
  3. Update content for your .pepe site simply and easily at Cortex press. Simple interface, full website support with advanced mode, github integration and an API to back applications!
  4. No fees for updating content with integration with ground-breaking, highly-scalable Cortex decentralized content network. Just sign the update and it’s provably your update. Great for DAOs and others that need to assure users that it is actually YOUR content.
  5. Simple minting of subdomains for just gas with domain ownership and also full NFTs..
  6. Metadata editing for domain collectors and projects. Add art or music or anything else to your domains and subdomains.
  7. Domains and subdomains act as wallets and can hold other assets with .pepe Charged Particles integration.
  8. Social aspects of domains as topics turn your domains into social accounts. This feature will launch a bit later, but it’s built in.
  9. API to content network allow app developers to use Cortex as backend and .pepe domains as user accounts.
  10. Cross-chain support for new TLDs, anyone can create a new Top Level Domain, like .pepe (which are on Ethereum), and choose what chain it goes on.
  11. Every page you create in your .pepe site has its own ERC20 address that you control, allowing simple ways to build a crypto payments into any site you. More on this to come, but amazing eComerce potential is built in!

Get yours today!

