Cortex PoC Demo Release

Cortex Labs
Cortex Labs
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2018

Cortex Demo, namely Silencer, has been released. You can access it through this link. The source code of Silencer is now public on Cortex GitHub. We have also made a video to showcase the demo, click here for the video demo.

Silencer simulates the blockchain environment of Cortex. It showcases one default smart contract that executes one AI model. The smart contract allows the users to upload images to the blockchain. It then calls the AI model, which detects whether the image is a bird or not. The basic logic behind this smart contact is that, the model will make inference on the input data, push the inferred result to full nodes to reach consensus on the AI model, then you will get 10 tokens in rewards.

In our next PoC update, we will deploy Cortex Edge calculation to a specific hardware, allowing a robot to accomplish a real-world mission.

5 Top-tired AI Research Scientists Joined Cortex Labs

Since our last announcement that welcomed Wentao Tian joining Cortex Labs, we are now proudly to announce that:

5 top-tired AI research scientists have joined Cortex Labs as community developers.

These 5 community developers all come from top AI field. They have active experiences and outstanding achievements in world AI competitions. They had also published quality papers in the AI field. They will be contributing to building the Cortex public chain and model layer.

With the release of our PoC codes, the frame structure has proven project feasibility specifically inference consensus on decoupling, encryption of the block structure, and consensus algorithm for Linux. To prevent plagiarism from similar projects, we will delay the release of core code for 2 to 3 months.

And let’s have a look at these five techies’ resume!

Debut Kele Hsu
AI Expert on Acoustics.
Ph.D. The University of Paris VI.
Lecturer in a national confidential academy.
17' ACM KDD Cup, 16' CCF Bigdata ML, Ctrip Forecasts, Kaggle Data Mining and Optimization Competition Top 3.
Kaggle World Rank 59/80K+.

Arie Ling
Senior Undergraduate, AI Research Scientist.
University of Toronto, Canada, Computer Science.
Papers on NIPS, CVPR, and ACL as the First Authorship.

Peiwen Yang
AI Research Scientist.
Designer, Reviewer, Mentor at Udacity.
15' International Underwater Robot Contest First and Second Place.
Kaggle Dog Breed Identification Top 0.5%.

Haihong Yang
AI Research Scientist.
Ph.D. Candidate, Zhejiang University, Computer Science, and Technology.
Taobao Dressing Collocation Algorithm First Stage Top 5%.
14' American College Mathematical Modeling Contest First Place.

Burness Duan
AI Framework Research & Development Expert.
TFLearn Top 4 Contributor.
MXNet / TensorFlow / Paddlepaddle Contributor.

There will be more AI and blockchain experts joining the Cortex Project to deliver our promises in our Whitepaper! Stay tuned for our future announcement!

Join Us

We are actively seeking and interviewing talents to help Cortex achieve its maximum potential. We’re looking for Marketing and Communications Manager, Digital and Social Media Manager, Graphic Designer, and Engineers proficient in Machine Learning and/or Blockchain infrastructure. Please apply at

About Cortex

Cortex is the first ever blockchain technology that allows the execution of AI algorithms on the blockchain. We have released our TestNet for mining and AI Smart Contract, Click here to learn more!


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