Cortex Project Updates #47

Cortex Labs
Cortex Labs
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2020

Technical Updates 🤖

MRT & CVM Development

1. Continued to optimize the quantization accuracy of the TensorFlow model for MRT and fixed some bugs.
2. Added operator quantization support for MRT and optimized user interface code to improve readability.
3. Reduced MRT’s dependence on TVM and NNVM; increased the ease of MRT deployment and reduced the complexity for first-time users.
4. Further optimized the performance of some CVM operators on the Jetson Nano platform.
5. For CVM, encapsulated Python API on the symbol level for MRT calls; encapsulated the NDArray Python API to store model parameters.
6. Designed a simple DApp for Jetson Nano devices, which is convenient for rapid deployment and connection to Cortex full-node virtual machine for model inference.
7. For CVM Z3 Prover, continued to test existing operators and have completed verifying 23 operators so far.
8. CVM Formalization version code. Added broadcast operator and improved the mathematical description of the corresponding documentations.

Cortex Full Node Development

1. Optimized and upgraded part of the code for full nodes, improved the API for transaction information query, adjusted the resource release logic when the node is shut down.
2. Added DNS record mode node address and optimized p2p search.
3. Added whisper module to full nodes.
4. Fixed the overflow problem of goroutine and timer; adjusted the format of CVM calculation op parameter.
5. Submitted feedbacks to Torrent community developers in terms of OOM problem of the UTP protocol.
6. The team’s core developer ucwong submitted 15 lines of code for the Ethereum project, all of which were merged.

DeFi Development

1. Established a data contract on Cortex MainNet, which provides data support for the on-chain DeFi AI model, further improving the test coverage and various functional tests of the main contract.
2. Optimized the real-time balance detection functions for DAI deposit and withdrawal on the DeFi AI model, improving the user interface.

Community Updates 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

  • Finalized the developer incentive plan discussion.
  • Discussed cooperation with DApp developer teams via offline conference.
  • Translated and created original introductory contents.
  • Compiled and organized articles about Cortex.
  • Attended online blockchain conference and coordinated with different media.

About Cortex 😇

Cortex is the only public blockchain that allows the execution of nontrivial AI algorithms on the blockchain. MainNet has launched. Go build!


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