Cortex Project Updates #49

Cortex Labs
Cortex Labs
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2020

Technical Updates 🤖


1. Implemented all operators of OpenCL in FPGA and successfully ran 8 models on FPGA hardware; all operators have passed the unit test.
2. For MRT, added pre-quantization model, including but not limited to SSD, Tensorflow Lite model support.
3. For MRT, fixed clip operator’s quantization precision error.
4. For Z3 Prover, continued to verify the CVM-Runtime operator; currently, it has verified 26 operators, including the newly added matrix product operator.
5. Continued to advance the CVM-Runtime Formalization code; at present, 11 operators have been rewritten and the code readability, robustness and reusability have been continuously verified.

Cortex Full Node Development

1. Database releaser code optimization; some coroutine logic optimization.
2. Optimized full node log output and updated TSDB source.
3. Adjusted the main code structure and API of the file system.
4. Developed chain-ai-demo, fully optimizing the user’s process of using Cortex full nodes.

DeFi Development

1. Developed more callable interfaces for DeFi contracts, including the real-time balance and balance change / growth of each project in the user portfolio; real-time parameters of each project.
2. Developed cross-chain Oracle for DeFi contracts, also including the link port for AI inference results for cross-chain Oracle.
3. Improved the two-way cross-chain test between the DeFi contract and the AI ​​Portfolio model.

Community Updates 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

  • The WoolyPooly mining pool has added PPLNS mode and SOLO mode, and the computing power has rapidly improved; now it has jumped to become the third largest mining pool of the CTXC network.
  • Cortex technical documentation editing.
  • Cortex-related design orders.
  • Preliminary framework discussion for Cortex’s new column.
  • Offline meeting with DApp developer teams to discuss cooperation.
  • Translation, original community introductory content, mainly in the field of DeFi.

About Cortex 😇

Cortex is the only public blockchain that allows the execution of nontrivial AI algorithms on the blockchain. MainNet has launched. Go build!


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