Cortex Project Updates #80

Jayden Chan
Cortex Labs
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2021

Technical Updates 🤖

Machine-Learning(ML), CortexVirtual Machine(CVM) & Model RepresentationTool(MRT) R&D

Cortex ZkRollup
1. ZkProver fixes the compilation symbol problem, and updates the communication protocol and implementation with ZkNode;
2. ZkNode updates the multi-threaded service registration mechanism and exit logic, and establishes the design of inter-thread protocol and module separation;
3. ZkNode adds front-end JS Workload to generate code and sample input;
4. ZkNode and separate state module code logic function, and fix some problems;
5. ZkNode passed the process test of Fake Txs -> Memory Pool -> State Keeper -> Prover;

Cortex Full Node
1. The storage logic function of all-node transaction log attributes is optimized and the block viewing function cache is added;
2. Fix some incorrect API log formats and optimize the log output file size;
3. The full node version 1.10.26 is released

1. The TorrentFS and Synapse engine are newly added to the CVM main entrance, and the local data directory can be set and tested;
2. CVM State DB sets Model Meta and Input Meta, and provides preparation for calling INFER related instructions;
3. Improve and test the test contract and code of the new version of the Cortex Solidity language compiler 0.8.4, and the final test is consistent with the 0.4.x version of the compiler;

Community Updates 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

1. Cortex NFT Program snapshot has ended on August 1;
2. Cortex NFT Collection design is completed;
3. Cortex NFT airdrop script is being developed, testing will execute approximately next week;
4. Continue to pay attention to popular projects in the market and analyze project logic and economic models.

About Cortex 😇

Cortex’s main mission is to provide state-of-the-art machine-learning models on the blockchain in which users can infer using smart contracts on the Cortex blockchain. One of Cortex’s goals also includes implementing a machine-learning platform that allows users to post tasks on the platform, submit AI DApps (Artificial Intelligence Decentralized Applications).

Cortex is the only public blockchain that allows the execution of nontrivial AI algorithms on the blockchain. MainNet has launched. Go build!


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