Cortex Project Updates #92

Jayden Chan
Cortex Labs
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2022

Technical Updates 🤖

Machine-Learning(ML), CortexVirtual Machine(CVM) & Model RepresentationTool(MRT) R&D

1. Yolov5 model training, quantization, model upload, and inference on-chain;
2. Development of a price prediction model, as well as MRT quantification and on-chain inference;
3. Investigate robo-advisor research and model creation based on Cortex MRT, as well as its use in NFT.
4. MRT conducts module maintenance, corrects GPU acceleration, and corrects configuration errors.
5. The MRT metric enhances the test module by correcting the yolo5 data set.
6. The MRT web service enhances the UI and resolves several issues.


1. ZKMatrix completed the design of the Explorer interface and integrated skeleton screen rendering;
2. ZKMatrix corrects the data repetition mistake on the history page and the main page display.
3. ZKNode (Zion) introduces a Golang version, researches and switches performance enhancement concerns such as parallel processing and delayed computing, and optimizes the architecture.
4. ZKNode examines MPC Phase 1 and 2 implementation, as well as the development of libsnark circuit proving key.
5. ZKProver resolves the dump issue when the withdrawal is negative and adds data verification to ZKNode.
6. The GPU version of the ZKProver is constantly tweaked and improved for the performance of associated operators.

Cortex Full Node

1. Implementation of full-node mining algorithm interval control parameters;
2. Resolve the issue of the lack of a complete node account.
3. Record the storage layer score table and correct issues such as p2p local variable assignment fields.
4. Include a global torrent score mapping table;
5. Improve RLP encoding and decoding performance, as well as other sections of the logic;

Community Updates 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

1. Cortex Labs took involved in the mxnet version testing and instructional revision of the yolov5_ object detection model.
2. Cortex Labs frequently works with ZkMatrix testing.
3. Cortex Labs is attempting to establish an NFT platform in collaboration with community developers.
4. Continue to monitor popular market ventures and examine project logic and economic models.

About Cortex 😇

Cortex’s main mission is to provide state-of-the-art machine-learning models on the blockchain in which users can infer using smart contracts on the Cortex blockchain. One of Cortex’s goals also includes implementing a machine-learning platform that allows users to post tasks on the platform, submit AI DApps (Artificial Intelligence Decentralized Applications).

Cortex is the only public blockchain that allows the execution of nontrivial AI algorithms on the blockchain. MainNet has launched. Go build!


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